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League Option


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#1 Dwerp


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Posted 05 February 2019 - 02:51 PM

With the new implemented patch, a thought occurred to me. 

Daily league wins are going to be tough to come by for people that gets pushed into SuperHero league when they are simply not ready for that level. We will be neglected of the perks of daily league fights because we will NEVER win. 


So, suggestion:

How about we implement a question at each tier of league... 


For example:

If you are in Silver 1, you acquire the points needed for Gold III a question would pop up:

Would you like to progress to next level...

A simple YES or NO click. No you stay in Silver 1. Yes to Gold III


This would be applied at each tier level. Bronze to Silver to Gold to Superhero


The tiers between the steps would remain the same. III would auto to II etc. Just the tier change.


Also, if you declined to accept the step, your trophy points would stop adding. This way, you couldn't sit at Silver 1, build enough trophy to jump to Gold II or Gold I.



what do you think? 


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#2 FaithfulAizen


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Posted 05 February 2019 - 04:36 PM

Interesting idea thank you Dwerp :)

Aizen is the best

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#3 Silverwing


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Posted 06 February 2019 - 03:23 AM

But how do people in Super League say no?  This would be great for the smaller players, unfortunately for people that are level 400+ this doesn't quite work.


You need the option not to have to WIN fights.  If you can't refresh to an opponent after 4 hours of doing it, you should be allowed to lose to someone.  But with the 20 wins and only 20 league hits per day, this option is not available to anyone unless they don't want the chance to get the bonus rewards.

Edited by Silverwing, 06 February 2019 - 03:25 AM.

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#4 Dwerp


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Posted 06 February 2019 - 12:32 PM

If you were 400+ in Super, you are ready to be in Super. 
Or, you could still be sitting at Gold 1 saying no. The option would be yours to venture into Super or not. Winning or losing fights is going to happen no matter where you are in any tier, for the most part. 


Each tier needs some kind of confirmation to move on.. What if I want to stay in a tier trying to get that tiers drops? (suits) I shouldn't have to advance any tier if I don't want too is the point.

Just my thought. Maybe someone else can tweak this idea and run with it. 


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