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Talk about teams and their heroes. You can find the template of team presentation here.


World: US1

  • 172 topics
  • 213 replies
The Brave Veterans - last post by Ideathman

World: US2

  • 97 topics
  • 235 replies
Gate13 recruiting - last post by Mijoba

World: US3

  • 92 topics
  • 429 replies

World: US4

  • 4 topics
  • 5 replies

World: US5

  • 4 topics
  • 5 replies

World: US6

  • 5 topics
  • 1 replies

World: US7

  • 4 topics
  • 7 replies
Unguildable - last post by Varnathos

World: US8

  • 4 topics
  • 6 replies
The Destroyers - last post by Misterman

World: US9

  • 0 topics
  • 0 replies
  • No posts to view