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How to fix HZ

Hero Zero

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#1 BetaTester


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Posted 28 September 2017 - 06:23 PM

I have seen sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

many complaints about HeroCon, donuts, etc!  I want to put in my thoughts of how this game should be perfect.




While there are some good cons, there are some of the worst cons (special missions and doing missions).  Also, some of the cons are repeated.  I have some con ideas and thoughts that I would like to say.

  • ​Spending coins is the most important.  Many people requested this.
  • I've seen some posts about distress calls.  That's perfectly ok to have.
  • Idea: Number of missiles used.  That'll at least give you a reason why you should duel.
  • Creating bots wasn't one of the brightest con ideas in the world.
  • I just hope there won't be a con about spending donuts.
  • Idea: Villain fighting.  When this con is active, there has to be more villains appearing.
  • Creating modifications by rarity.  I guess that already existed.
  • Idea:  For every league fight won, you get a point.


Also, reward a donut for every team that participates.


Honor Tourney:


The honor tourney shouldn't be removed at all.  Instead, they should've left it how it is, but reduce the number of prize donuts, while the exp tourney stays the same.  There was a poll if we're earning too many donuts or not.  One of the solutions was removing the honor tourneys.  (crying2) 


New Donut Ways:


Literally the worst decision ever made was to limit the earnings of donuts.  HZ should at least reward us 10 donuts for this.  Also, it's not often to earn donuts in the 




The league needs a major tune-up.  Why should low ranks get opponents that has to chance of winning out of the 3 choices.  Could it be like choosing who should we attack?  That'll be worse with the new league update.  I honestly can't think of a solution for this other than refreshing the whole league (worst idea).




We do like having villains, but it's the same................. villains with the same.................. top loot.  Spice it up a bit!  We could have  (clown) in sillycon, etc.  Also, the top items should be different.  After all these years, the items haven't changed a bit.




Other than eliminating "work," hideouts are kinda lame but fine.  It does need more interesting buildings or cons that'll make us bother hideouts a little more.



If you have any other suggestions, post them.

Played Hero Zero on 2012 in UK1. Was on Team America in UK1. Now, I'm back to play some more Hero Zero! I'm experienced to how this game works.P.S. Where's Rafael? He was the old mod in UK.P.P.S. If Diana1 still plays Hero Zero, tell her I'm s23 (Darth s23) ^_^P.P.P.S. I'll try to be better than I was in the UK forum. lol. Just looking back at it. I missed the good old times :DP.P.P.P.S. I have no life when it comes to the HZ forum and HZ on weekdays. Yes. Weekdays. Not weekends.P.P.P.P.P.S. Maybe I should stop my signature after here.<p>P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Maybe not.

Official: I broke my leg.

#2 proZERO



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Posted 29 September 2017 - 03:35 AM

lol you have to 'fix' yourself first..you and some whiners here are noob..zzz..how come play for years still a noob??look like whiners don't know the game very well..:) spend more time on the game and you will realize what HZ did was right. FYI HZ is already an 'easy' game...why do you want them to make it more easier...and you only need time not donuts..all about time..learn from the pro okay. :)

#3 goofoff1


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 06:45 AM





While there are some good cons, there are some of the worst cons (special missions and doing missions).  Also, some of the cons are repeated.  I have some con ideas and thoughts that I would like to say.

  • ​Spending coins is the most important.  Many people requested this.

Spending coins was the first one and I think thats the only time they did that one.. my opinion is they dont do it again because people dont spend donuts on this one and they only created herocon to make people spend donuts. 

  • I've seen some posts about distress calls.  That's perfectly ok to have.

The Distress calls wouldnt be a very good one because you can only do so many of those in a day, once you do your weekly ones you just get 3 a day so getting to 100 points would be a real problem with this one.


  • Idea: Number of missiles used.  That'll at least give you a reason why you should duel.

The Missiles used would only reward people who spend a ton of donuts if you dont spend the donuts to refresh the store and buy more missiles you cant even participate in this one so this would only help the teams willing to spend to win.

  • Creating bots wasn't one of the brightest con ideas in the world.

This one was a bad idea to begin with since everyone builds at the same rate without generators doesnt give anyone any kind of advantage  other than spend max bots over and over and build max bots over and over.

  • I just hope there won't be a con about spending donuts.

Spending donuts would just be an outright hey who wants to give us the most money to get a few points (totally not worth the spending for the points you get)

  • Idea: Villain fighting.  When this con is active, there has to be more villains appearing.

Fighting Villains unless they posted a time schedule of when they would be on would be a totally unfair Herocon as if your not on when they show up even with more showing up you cant participate any Herocon should not revolve around the luck of being around when something shows up.

  • Creating modifications by rarity.  I guess that already existed.

With the 12 hour build time this one would also be almost impossible for teams to reach the 100 points to even qualify let alone be worth the time since you only get one free refresh a day.  

  • Idea:  For every league fight won, you get a point.

They have the Honor Herocon which is fair the league the way it is now is totally unfair because its almost impossible to win for most people. 



​Now not to just be negative I will offer an idea of my own


Times Trained ... this one is pretty fair across the board yes some teams have training trophies and can buy the extra units for all members but its a team event so this gets teams to work as a team on it both getting the trophies and team spending to get bonus training for the week.




Edited by goofoff1, 29 September 2017 - 06:47 AM.

#4 BetaTester


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Posted 29 September 2017 - 02:59 PM

lol you have to 'fix' yourself first..you and some whiners here are noob..zzz..how come play for years still a noob??look like whiners don't know the game very well.. :) spend more time on the game and you will realize what HZ did was right. FYI HZ is already an 'easy' game...why do you want them to make it more easier...and you only need time not donuts..all about time..learn from the pro okay. :)


If only I can read alternative English languages.

I've played a few months in 2012 until I have IRL stuff to not catch up.  I've came back on 2017 in August and already catch up to the current HZ.  



Please do not try and be a pain.  I just want feedback and additional ideas like goof did.


Replying to goof's idea:


Not bad at all.  It's similar to one of the missions cons (the other one is a pain), and it has more of a purpose.  There's nothing wrong with it at all, other than user will say.... what they want to say about it.

Played Hero Zero on 2012 in UK1. Was on Team America in UK1. Now, I'm back to play some more Hero Zero! I'm experienced to how this game works.P.S. Where's Rafael? He was the old mod in UK.P.P.S. If Diana1 still plays Hero Zero, tell her I'm s23 (Darth s23) ^_^P.P.P.S. I'll try to be better than I was in the UK forum. lol. Just looking back at it. I missed the good old times :DP.P.P.P.S. I have no life when it comes to the HZ forum and HZ on weekdays. Yes. Weekdays. Not weekends.P.P.P.P.P.S. Maybe I should stop my signature after here.<p>P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Maybe not.

Official: I broke my leg.

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