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What events should we have?


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#1 Ricardo


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Posted 15 April 2013 - 05:36 PM

Hello Heros!


Our development team needs your ideas, we have done Chritsmas events, Easter Events, but we think that is not enough! So we would like to invite you to leave your sugestions for future events here.


Thank you!

Your Hero Zero Team

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#2 UDareUTake


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 06:23 AM

Hi Ricardo,


Please view this thread that I have previously created that had touched on the potential events we could have.



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#3 Jeff



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Posted 17 July 2013 - 12:07 AM

I'm all for more events definitely, even if it was monthly to get players more involved. UDareUTake has some pretty neat ideas, maybe expand off some of those. 


I'd also like to see more video contests or art contests of that creative sort.

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#4 Kimmie6



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Posted 23 September 2013 - 09:24 PM

How about just doing seasonal things...like Autumn stuff and Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas??? Just do holidays and seasons. That would be cool. I liked the idea for Pirate Day, although I didn't see any Pirate gear, I loved the idea!!! That makes it fun and exciting. I'm sure other countries have holidays the US doesn't have....include those too. What fun!!! I like themes. They keep the game fresh and interesting.



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#5 jdogred



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Posted 12 November 2013 - 07:13 AM

You should give out  free donuts on peoples birthday automatically! That will have to be configured a little bit but it is a good idea!


#6 A T R


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Posted 10 December 2013 - 05:00 AM

I think perhaps 'international world diabetes day' would be a good option, as this game promotes a continued and length unhealthy diet and forms of exercise which do little to maintain or improve physical well being perhaps opting to do this would allow the game a fun fruit or veg alternative to donuts, with costumes like a ' crazy cat lady costume of carrots' or 'brilliant bright banana banana'.

This would also give the game and company a wonderful excuse if a parent or individual decides to sue your company for irreplaceable damages to their mentality or physical well being by your promotion of a unhealthy diet.

Countering that idea January is international hot tea day, which may go well with donuts?
So perhaps used tea bag missiles, tea pot outfit with the highest reward for completing tasks being a seasonal reward ie every year in January ' Lord grey, of the earls court' would take effect offering a daily boost to energy via caffeine in the tea?
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#7 diamond655



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Posted 16 December 2013 - 07:10 PM

New Years event, where Doctor Mega is threatening to stop time and prevent the new year, and you gotta stop him. After completing the objectives, there would be an invite to a battle with Doctor Mega that ends the day after new years eve.

#8 A T R


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Posted 06 July 2014 - 12:58 PM

What about international diabetes day?

Something to educate and raise awareness of a healthy lifestyle rather than encouraging indulgences with a constant diet of doughnuts?

Event: National ' SLEEP DAY ' - When: Always on January 3rd

Give players a 'work' bonus, where they earn double the amount from sleep. (As most users use the work while sleeping)

Event: National ' Dress up your Pet day ' - When : Always January 14th

One day a year where a special pet can be gained, I suggest an animal dressed as a human, ie pet badger in human skin.

Event: 'National doughtnut day' - always first Friday in June.

Event special ' dough boy' outfit, special double value deal on doughtnuts Suggested name ' hole'e' Avenger' ( relating to history of the holiday).

Event : ' PUNK 4 A DAY ' When: October 25

I suggest special 'queen' villain, outfits and perhaps a pet 'Fox with a mohawk' as a special pet ( pun on faux mohawk).
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#9 Kimmie6



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Posted 22 October 2014 - 04:07 AM

Some cool Halloween stuff would be nice! 




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Posted 25 October 2014 - 07:39 PM

Agreed! THis is a US server and Hallowe'en is a really big deal in the States and Canada. So give us some Hallowe'en costumes! Please! (I said please!)  :rolleyes: 

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#11 PostmodernPugilist


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Posted 29 December 2014 - 06:09 PM

UDareUTake's ideas were really good. I'd love to see some of those.


Valentine's Day is coming (cringe) so why not a "Blind Date" event? Special Missions, A Special Villain - Cupid running rampage perhaps? and a forum contest linked in. 


If it's possible set up a special missions event where one of the things you have to do is visit the forums or - if it's possible to track - post in the forums. Definitely advertise it alongside the other "themed" events.


One thing I really like is the team v team PVP in this game - why not make "participate in a team fight" part of the "special missions" in a special missions event.

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#12 Nad Westor

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Posted 17 January 2015 - 05:46 PM

I Think you guys should also create an event on either eid or on Islamic New Year

#13 Despaira



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Posted 18 January 2015 - 03:30 AM

Any calendar will give you a myriad of events that could happen with every holiday. Reaching out to recruit moderators from across the globe will do a great deal in bringing international holidays to the attention of the staff. 

Genre is a great catalyst for picking events when there are no holidays to choose from. Kimmie6 pointed out that she really enjoyed the pirate theme and there are many others to choose from such as: western, samurai, steampunk, voodoo, Arthurian, Arabian nights, American roaring 20's, futuristic, oceanic, ancient myths, and many more. 

One type of event I would personally recommend staying away from is the politically motivated event. Hero Zero should try to remain neutral when it comes to politically charged topics. 


#14 Dogmeat



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Posted 04 February 2015 - 09:22 PM

I think this "Winter Fun" thing that runs the whole of February should have been like the Christmas event. There should have been a scavenger hunt for things, a special villain and of course winter fun gear. Give us something to collect and do missions for some sort of reward.


I think there should be an event once a month. To commemorate something or just for the sake of having an event, if only to break up the daily grind of doing training and missions. For me, the events are kind of like a mini-competition, to see who can complete the event and garner the rewards in the fastest possible time.


Just seems so, what's the word, anticlimatic that all we get are just special zone missions...and store gear that doesn't seem to rely tie in or give the players the feeling of "Winter fun". I mean, exactly WHAT is the fun part of "Winter fun"? :)


So have more events. Please.


#15 BruceARee


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Posted 09 February 2015 - 03:17 PM

I would like to see some type of event each month with a scavenger hunt with rewards. I'm aware there are servers on other countries so don't limit certain holiday events to one countries server. Celebrate other countries holidays across all servers. It would be nice to learn about other countries customs and holidays. I also like the idea of different genre events that Despaira mentioned: western, samurai, steampunk, voodoo, Arthurian, Arabian nights, American roaring 20's, futuristic, oceanic, ancient myths, and many more.


Please more events

#16 King of Thieves

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Posted 22 April 2015 - 10:34 PM

I would like to see a tournament style event where teams battle each other for prizes. In order to keep it fair and prizes not just go to the top teams, different competition tiers could be developed based on a team's ave level. There could be different place prize winners for each level division and prizes could be equal for each level division. This would make it more enjoyable for lower level teams who will be able to win the same prizes in their division as the top teams can win in the top division.

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I'm bringing sexy back!

#17 Vandrake30



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Posted 17 September 2016 - 08:54 PM

Side Kick assault on Yoyo tower

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#18 Mommy


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Posted 09 June 2017 - 06:04 AM

I think perhaps 'international world diabetes day' would be a good option, as this game promotes a continued and length unhealthy diet and forms of exercise which do little to maintain or improve physical well being perhaps opting to do this would allow the game a fun fruit or veg alternative to donuts, with costumes like a ' crazy cat lady costume of carrots' or 'brilliant bright banana banana'.


HAHAHAH i am loving this idea. its like when Cookie Monster had to sing the 'Healthy Foods' song. I think there could be some hilarious gear and perhaps even a veggie sidekick? maybe a giant cucumber? ;)

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Have fun! Its a game! :D

#19 craine


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Posted 24 August 2019 - 05:25 PM

Since you are requesting creativity, why not create new holidays? This would allow you to fill in any gaps in the calendar year. Such events could be, but by no means limited to:

Walk your platypus to school day
Neuter your pet rock day
Take down the Christmas lights day
Change the litter box day
Attack your neighbor's Chihuahua that craps in your yard day.
Trim your cuticles day...

You get the idea.
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#20 Catznchocolate


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Posted 24 August 2019 - 06:09 PM

Oh, I know.  You could sell a donut box that includes a free liter box change.  I might actually purchase that.


owhay aboutyay igpay atinlay ayday?

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