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If you are searching for strong/active team - C L I C K H E R E

Team Search Team Recruitment Team Bulgaria BG6 PENTAGRAMA

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#1 Guest_st1waka_*

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Posted 07 September 2021 - 05:42 PM



Leader: PsYhOPaTh

Server: BG6 (Bulgaria)


Team Presentation:


If you are looking for an environment in which to feel good and play with pleasure ... here is your place. Entrance fees, inactivity, level limit and other such things do NOT exist here. We fight together side by side!
What we offer you:
• 5 trophies (Energy and Training Units)
• 3 team boosters
• Fresh atmosphere in the team chat
• Active, strong and friendly teammates
• Prizes from top places in the weekly tournament "HeroCon"



Our team is fully upgraded!





Write a post under this topics with the following information:

-Character name


-Current Team


or you can send message to the one of the advisors in the team.



• Be loyal to the team.

• All members must respect each other.

 We don't allow insults between team members.

• You must log in once per day to sign up for team battles.

• Duels between team members are not allowed except league.


Good luck to all our players and teams.


Best regards,

-Steven (st1waka, BG6)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Team Search, Team Recruitment, Team, Bulgaria, BG6, PENTAGRAMA

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