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Garage Interview #8 With Leaping Lizard

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#1 Jagan


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Posted 06 June 2015 - 07:01 AM

Good day  everyone! It is your intrepid, roving reporter, Jagan back again with another interview, this time with one of us2's highest ranked players and leader of one of the server's Highest ranked teams, Dark Mayhem. 
Hi, how are you? Can you give us your username and the servers where you are playing?
Hey thanks again for the honor.  I am the leader of Dark Mayhem.  Username leapinglizard on us2, I don’t use donuts or have the time to play other servers, I'm impressed by those that do.



Do you want to talk a little bit about yourself, about your life when you are not working as a hero?
Outside of hero zero? I'm kinda boring, lots of yard work, like to fish and golf.  Oh and play video games,  lol.

Those sound like great hobbies! I did a little investigating and discovered that you began playing the game in January of 2014. How did you start playing Hero Zero? Was it through friends? Publicity?
I thought I heard someone snooping through my trash. Yep, started then playing through Facebook. No one I knew had ever heard of the game I just 'discovered' it one day and have never left. Lol
Do you still remember your first days as a “noob” in Hero Zero? Did you start your Team early on or did it come about later on?


I started as a member of a team called Pork Chop Express; I knew nothing about the game. I was close to level 100 before I learned you could refill your energy.  I have heard others say they had a mentor during this time but I did not.  As matter of fact, I had a bully, an almost level 150 hero that beat me up daily; sent me messages demanding I give him my account; cussing me saying he was going to make me quit the game.  I won't name names but it took awhile before he left me alone. Now I can defeat him quite easily:)
Living well is often the best revenge.
Do you have particular goals to achieve in the game?
Personally, I still would like to reach level 350. I'm also working on my hero rating - that can never be too high. Team wise, always trying to improve and reach new levels, maintain a good team and chat.
You are leader of the highest ranked team on us2 and are one of the highest ranked players, number three, in fact, in honour as of this interview. In your opinion, what was your greatest achievement in HZ so far?
Ha! Ha! well as far as Dark Mayhem is concerned others got it to the top, I'm just in charge of trying to stay there. I was honored when Pit and the other advisors asked me to assume the leadership role. I was proud of that. Reaching level 300 was a huge deal to me.  As was joining Dark Mayhem. I had only dreamed of being on the top team.

You mentioned Pit, is there any player or perhaps players, you look up to, that you admire? And if so, who is it or they and why?
Wow, there are so many players I admire and enjoy I'm going to name names but I will forget someone.  I'm sorry!!!!!  Kkjn, patootie, Longlifealex, pottyman,  PhoenixGold, these players are kind, friendly and helpful.  Things I try to achieve. 
Do you have a favourite opponent that you respect or love to hate?
Opponents?  So many people have retired lately it's sad. Mpo, Reptoid were great.  Oh and currently Nater comes to mind. He still beats me regularly.
Do you have any tips you would give beginners?

Well for beginners I would suggest trying to level slowly.  Focus on earning money  (to buy skill points) and training. The levels will come and you will be stronger than your peers.
You are one of the heroes of HZ do you have a favourite comic book/movie hero, yourself?
I don't ever call myself a hero; my favorite hero like a lot of people is Batman. I am really enjoying the new Gotham series on fox. I like the heroes, the villains of Gotham. When villains are mentioned the question everyone asks is about who is your favorite Joker and my favorite is Jack Nicholson. As matter of fact my username is a tribute to the Adam west TV series.
I would like to suggest that our readers take a look at your hero page when they get a chance. Your hero description is rather humorous and fits in well with the whole HeroZero theme.

Here is where I decided to take a swipe at our hero. Look at me, I am dead. Ouch! Look at him. Not even a slight bruise. He’s still smiling even. 
Do you have any stories related to the game you want to tell us? A player in your position must get a fair amount of attention from the player community. Do you get any totally off the wall messages from other players?
Ha! Ha! Well we have some wild parties in the team lounge but you have to join us if you want to know more.
 Oh, I get 5 to 10 requests a day from level 15 and lower players wanting to join my team. I get lots of requests for me to purchase donuts for them; I don’t buy me donuts so I am not buying them for others. Oh and months ago before I was even a member of Dark Mayhem someone asked to buy my hero for 5000 dollars - said If I sent him my password he would then pay me through PayPal.  Yeah right. What a scam.
(Please add Hara to the list of players I admire. Ok?)
And finally now a la "Actor's Studio" questions but just one  -
What is your favourite word? No swearing!
Favorite word? Hmm… lol,  I like, oh wait, no swearing. Just kidding.  My favorite word gets used way too much but it's friendship.  Friends are the most important thing in life.
Thanks so much for having me into your swanky office, I'm going to grab a couple of more of the donuts from the lobby. It was really fun.
(Seriously, thanks so much for the honor)
The honour was mine, thank you leapinglizard for giving  our readers and myself the opportunity to get to know your character a little better!
Jagan signing off!

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“What would your good be doing if there were no evil, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it? After all, shadows are cast by objects and people. There is the shadow of my sword. But there are also shadows of trees and living creatures. Would you like to denude the earth of all the trees and all the living beings in order to satisfy your fantasy of rejoicing in the naked light?”

― Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita

#2 King of Thieves

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Posted 06 June 2015 - 08:38 AM

"As matter of fact, I had a bully, an almost level 150 hero that beat me up daily; sent me messages demanding I give him my account; cussing me saying he was going to make me quit the game."


Oh, PLEASE! Send me his name! You can in-box me! I LOVE tormenting guys like that! 







I'm bringing sexy back!

#3 Excrucio


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Posted 06 June 2015 - 12:40 PM

Good interview.  I enjoy reading other player's perspectives.  Hope this one doesn't turn into another drama-rama like the fiasco that was the last one.

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#4 leapinglizard


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Posted 06 June 2015 - 04:21 PM

"As matter of fact, I had a bully, an almost level 150 hero that beat me up daily; sent me messages demanding I give him my account; cussing me saying he was going to make me quit the game."

Oh, PLEASE! Send me his name! You can in-box me! I LOVE tormenting guys like that!



He has since retired
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#5 Silverwing


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Posted 06 June 2015 - 11:36 PM

Awesome Interview.


I have been here for a while and I got to say, Leaping is along with gentleman and scholar, a great leader.  Three cheers :)

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Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience


~~Mark Twain~~


I was only born blonde in looks, not in intelligence level, so don't treat me like I am stupid....  don't be a moron!

#6 King of Thieves

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Posted 07 June 2015 - 09:02 AM

He has since retired



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I'm bringing sexy back!

#7 LittleOne


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Posted 08 June 2015 - 10:24 PM

cool interview!  great getting to know leaping lizard some more!

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#8 Ahmedabrar


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Posted 30 June 2015 - 11:07 AM

Good interview
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#9 Ahmedabrar


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Posted 30 June 2015 - 01:55 PM

Leaping lizard can I join your team I very big fan of dark mayhem and I want that dark mayhem get back on top


Hero name =Kingthakur

#10 PostmodernPugilist


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Posted 14 July 2015 - 08:32 PM

I really enjoyed this! Thanks Jagan and Leapinglizard



PS can you buy me some donuts? ;) ;) 

Pinken Stein: The Postmodern Pugilist, Ex-Moderator


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