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Screams Interview - UK5

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#1 meljer


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Posted 06 May 2023 - 10:51 PM

Today a very bright and wise young hero made his way across galaxies to prove to King Hopper he is ready for the task of saving the princess.
We sat down with this hero during his initial screening, to ask him the questions many can not answer.
Hello, Sir and thank you for coming in for this screening, as you are aware the questions are intense, if at anytime you need to leave it will not be held against you. (gives scream papers to sign)
Hello meljer , and thank you for having me on this interview.
(Clicks on Cameras)
Can you please tell the cameras your Hero Name and What server(s) do you currently play or have played?
Scream , play on UK5
How did you come across this game, when did you begin?
First time i have played year ago for about 3 days, then a year ago ( just this morning i got the 365 days active heroic deed ) i have found it on an advert. 
Do you remember when you first began, what was it like?
First time i did not really like it. Second time when i have started i did not really remembered i have played before, just started to play as a way to waste a couple of hours in the evenings  (laughs evilly) now i am really addicted to it.(nods solemnly, another hero becomes addicted)
How did you chose your heroes name?
I have got this nickname for lots of years , i think i have chose it after the movie Scream and is funny because is working in most videogames when you actually 'fight/shoot' other players 
Would you like to tell us about yourself?
My real name is Mihai , I'm from Romania , been living in England for past 9 years or so   (Wonders if Scream is really a vampire coming from Romania)
What hobbies or interests do you have outside this game? (offers garlic sandwich to vampire)
I like to travel , to be the guy behind the camera, i mean doing photographs , mostly landscapes or close ups, don`t really like to photo people  (laughs) . As indoor activities i like video games , doing jigsaw puzzles and watching Anime  
Who is your favorite hero? (batman, superman, flash)
Uh that`s a hard question , i cannot say i got a favorite ( usually i don`t have favorite thing, just like things equally , or dislike them ) but if i have to chose one would be The Martian (Justice League member ) 
(notes that vampires like Martians)
Do you have any in game goals you completed or are currently working on?
Be a better hero them i was yesterday  (Sticks out tongue)
What aspect of the game interests you most?
The competitions part of it  smilue.png (wonders if they are competition to them, goes to bulk up)
What aspect of the game was a struggle for you when you began playing?
How to do more XP and be in the top 3 in the weekly tourney.
How would you describe this game?
Addictive !!!!!!    Lacughing.png overall is a good game
What is the first thing you do when you go into the game?
If i`m not waking up in the middle of the night to defend Princess PoisonDart and Prince Ribbiton from the Evil rabbit Villains , i usually check my daily distress calls
Have you created friendships in the game?
Usually i am kind of antisocial , but i have created friendships in the game
In your opinion who are the top 3 players you consider are the best players?
RememberMe - she is like the guru of this game ( don`t worry Rem you don`t have to grow a long beard  Lacughing.png )
Kayley - recently deleted from UK5
And me of course  Lacughing.png or my teammate Evolutionx
Do you have friendly rivalries?
Yes RememberMe is in the opposite team , but we have shared HeroCon places, and played together on SpeedServer
TeoBlack (deleted recently) - different team , but we became good friends
What is your favorite herocon/ do you prepare?
Again i can`t pick a favorite  (Laughs) but i would say Special Missions just because is a good booster of XP and coins. And yes I'm always preparing for the next Con , i think for some of them that is the key to win it
Do you enjoy the tourneys, have you ever been top 5?
Yes, almost each week since maybe September  (smiles) ,usually my goal is top 3 
Has your team gotten top 3 in the herocon tournament?
Usually we are 1st of 2nd only 2 active teams on our server unfortunately
Have you ever been a leader or advisor in your team?
(if yes) do you enjoy being in that position?
Yes i have been advisor , recently i have been passed the leader position. Is ok i think, I'm not the type of person that chasing power , so enjoying it is a bit too much to say  (smiles)
How does it feel to be in a top team?
Is nice , you get a little bit of advantages in the game , usually in the top teams there are good players so you can learn lots of things about the game.
Do you find it hard to maintain top ranks? (leaders top teams)
Not really because is not  much competition under  (innocent smile)
Have you gotten 1st in the villain?
Yes , many times  smilue.png
Have you gotten last hit in the villain?
Yes, usually i aim for that  (laughs at some secret) , if i don`t have the 1st in attacks 
In your opinion who are the top 3 best opponents?
TeoBlack - very stubborn , she doesn't give up  Lacughing.png
Lara2 - can be very stubborn when it actually plays 
Do you enjoy the forums?
Used to spend a lot of time on them , now not having the time anymore  smilue.png
Would you like to share anything with the Cameras?
A good meal and a glass of wine  (smiles) to have the stamina for the fights to save Princess PoisonDart and Prince Ribbiton
What is your favorite Sidekick?
If we are talking about aspect of the pet is Orion
What is a good Sidekick skill?
Skills that allow you to attack multiple times ( stuns/parroted )
Do you enjoy naming your pet (if so) what is the best name you have used?
Yes , my pet name is Bankai ( people that seen Bleech anime series will know why  Tongue.png )
If you could create any sidekick what would the skills be and what kind of animal?
Lvl10 Blind - your opponent cannot attack for one round.
You have 40% chance to throw sand into your opponent eyes, can happen multiple times during a fight
Lvl20 Doping - increases your basic skills with 20%
Lvl30 Fusion - you can attack twice , you have 28% ( i would say 30% but is a bit greedy ) to attack twice in a row. Can happen multiple times.
And would be some mythical creature maybe a Minotaur or a Hydra
What skill do you feel is more important?
i like Brains , but is also important to dodge attacks.
Do you like any certain items/clothes?
I`m a fun or Japanese/Asian culture ,not many choices available. I would like to see more clothes from that area.
Is there any players you look up to?
RememberMe , i have learned lots of trick's from her and about the game , thanks for sharing Rem
What is your favorite season so far in the game?
I liked Ice Kingdom  because of the criticals boost , made it so unpredictable , you could lose or win to players with big difference in skills, i  also like the actual season
Is there any specific stories you would like to share with us in your time as a hero?
Speed server was a great experience playing this game , i have managed to be in top 20 in all the areas with very little donuts and despite the fact that is been spoiled with the unlimited casino. I would like to see a permanent international server
Is there any advice you would like to give to new players?
Play fair , learn from others 
If you could change one thing in the game what would it be?
Uh i can write 2 pages about this  (laughs alot) but the one thing i think is important and many players quit the game , is the amount of time you have to spend playing the game to be good or to complete all your daily tasks ( e.g. 50 duels/20 league )
Do you have any suggestions for the game so we can continue to improve?
Customizing your hero is poor, maybe add some other races other then Human ?  maybe some pet customizing also ?
Would you like to give a shout out to anyone?
TeoBlack - I miss you!
RememberMe - get well soon , hope to see you more active in the game
Would you recommend this game to people to play?
Meljer reaches over and turns off the cameras.  closes her note book and smiles.
Mr. Scream i want to thank you for being brave and coming forward to help King Hopper, your abilities and strength deems you quite powerful and i hope you  will be able to help the King.

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#2 Windwalker1971


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Posted 24 May 2023 - 07:42 PM

Great Interview! One question.....Who the Hell is King Hopper?!?! LOL

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