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Patch notes 2022-02-08

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#1 Regnor



  • Team Hero Zero
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Reputation: 259

Posted 08 February 2022 - 06:59 AM

The following new features were added today (2022-02-08):
New features
Hard mode for Special Missions
• Special Missions can now be played in the extra difficult hard mode.
• For each Special Mission there are 10 levels. Each level is more difficult than the last.
• There is a corresponding leader board, where you can compete against other players.
• There are also fitting Heroic Deeds, which will reward you an item set, or 3 new sidekicks with a special level 20 ability.


• The building time for the Hero Forge was reduced for the first 3 upgrades.
• The material cost of the Hero Forge was reduced.


• You couldn't search for names in the weekly XP tournament. This has been fixed.
• There was an error when opening the duel or league battle history, without attending any battle before. This has been fixed.


Your Hero Zero Team

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