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Suffering Seals Event 2021

suffering seals event balls sidekick

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#1 Guest_st1waka_*

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Posted 28 August 2021 - 08:47 PM


The first ball (1/6) of the New Suffering Seals Event 2021 is in the folowing location:

On the sewing machine in your lower right corner of the first collection that appears.



(This is a link of a screenshot where showing the location of the ball.)


Hope this helps!


Best regards,



  • Maniac, Mijoba and TransGaming like this

#2 Guest_st1waka_*

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Posted 28 August 2021 - 08:54 PM

The second ball (2/6) of the New Suffering Seals Event 2021 is in the following location:
In the ranking lists in your top left corner where you can see Heroes.
(This is a link of a screenshot where showing the location of the ball.)
Hope this helps!
Best regards,

  • Maniac, Mijoba and TransGaming like this

#3 Guest_st1waka_*

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Posted 29 August 2021 - 09:27 PM


The third ball (3/6) of the New Suffering Seals Event 2021 is in the following location:
In the team donations. The ball replaced the donut icon.
(This is a link of a screenshot where showing the location of the ball.)
Hope this helps!
Best regards,

  • Mikael, Maniac and TransGaming like this

#4 Guest_st1waka_*

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Posted 30 August 2021 - 09:03 PM

The fourth ball (4/6) of the New Suffering Seals Event 2021 is in the following location:
On your character's hair where you customize your hero appearance.
(This is a link of a screenshot where showing the location of the ball.)
Hope this helps!
Best regards,

  • trunglk and TransGaming like this

#5 Guest_st1waka_*

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Posted 31 August 2021 - 09:03 PM

The fifth ball (5/6) of the New Suffering Seals Event 2021 is in the following location:
Тo the right of the last special mission ,,What Is Being Programmed Here?''.
(This is a link of a screenshot where showing the location of the ball.)
Hope this helps!
Best regards,

  • TransGaming likes this

#6 Guest_st1waka_*

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Posted 01 September 2021 - 09:03 PM

The last ball (6/6) of the New Suffering Seals Event 2021 is in the following location: 
In the Hero Distress Call (the phone in missions). On the phone button in the middle right.
(This is a link of a screenshot where showing the location of the ball.)
Hope this helps!
Best regards,

  • Mikael and trunglk like this

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: suffering, seals, event, balls, sidekick

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