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Garage Interview #25 With NewDay

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#1 Astral


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Posted 07 February 2020 - 05:28 AM

Welcome to the one of a kind experience that heroes only get once in their life NewDay, first question... Are you excited?


Yes of course!


So, NewDay, for anyone that may not know much about you, what servers do you play on and what are your hero names? 


I only play on US3, under the account name of NewDay.




Your hero seems to be the leader of one of the top teams on there, how do you handle such responsibility?





I can't take all the credit, I have a team of dedicated advisors (Will10, craine, Catznchocolate, peeper and Mioniecat) who help me out whenever I need it, be that with setting fights, dealing with conflict resolution in the team, etc. Especially as of late, when I have been having less time to play, they have all been pitching in to help with the upkeep of the team. But, as for me personally, I just take it one day at a time, at the end of the day it's just a game, and we shouldn't stress about a game. I don't stress about what happens on the game. A game is supposed to be fun and if we aren't having fun, what's the point in playing it?


That’s some wise words right there... I totally agree with you, and it sounds like you hit the jackpot on some awesome teammates to rely on. Do you recall any funny or amazing times with them that have been so memorable you still remember them to this day?


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We have had lots of great moments on the team; with all of the teammates, not just the advisors. In terms of advisors though, there is lots to say about each one; there are multiple running jokes of the team about Will10 being evil and having lemurs do his evil bidding. Craine is always there to crack jokes, some will make you groan, but some will make you bust a gut laughing; oh and he's bald. Catznchocolate is always there to talk to if you need someone to about your problems, and will always help anyone if needed, and she loves Star Wars! Peeper and I have had many deep talks, and we have shared many stories; they have shared many stories about their mother, and their school life. Mioniecat is, just like Catznchocolate, always there to talk and she always helps whenever needed, she is really smart too and always knows the right answers!


Sounds like you’re having a lot of fun there, you have a sidekick that came from the speed servers I see... Since it was the first time we had such a feature here on the US servers, what were your thoughts on the whole idea of the speed server?


I liked the idea of the speed servers, but, it was really hard to stand a chance against people with deep pockets, as seen by one person taking the top spot in almost every category. It would be cool if the idea of the length of missions on the speed servers were implemented for an event on the regular servers, like when they do a week of different events each day (such as double coins from missions, double shop refreshes, etc).   





That must’ve been frustrating, but you came out with a nice sidekick for sure, I will be working on those suggestions  ;)  How long have you been playing this game for?


I started on September 1st, 2015, so just over 4 years.


Did you come up with the name “NewDay” randomly? Or is there a story behind it?


It's named after the wrestling group "The New Day" in WWE


Oh that’s interesting, creative name there. I assume that WWE and shows like that are things you watch in your past time?


Yes, I am a big fan of all things TV.




The year throughout brings lots of fun and exciting events in Humphreydale and all over the world. Of those events, which one do you find most exciting?


My favourites are always Christmas, Christmas has always been my favourite holiday in my life and that feeling extends to Hero Zero


Ah... Christmas... It is my absolute favourite holiday as well. Everything is just so magical then. Do you have any particular goals you want to achieve in the game? And what do you think is the greatest goal you achieved so far?


At this point in the game, anything I have wanted to achieve I have achieved so far. I guess the only goal I really have is to expand my hideout as much as I can, I know 100% will never be achieved, I was close before they added level 50 to everything.  :P  My greatest achievement would have to be the success that myself and my team has had with Riff Raff.




Maybe one day someone will get to 100. In 10 years possibly?  What are some opponents you value and why?


LOL yeah, maybe in ten years  :P. I don't really have any opponents by name that I can say I value, but anyone who does not take the game too seriously and can accept defeat in duels/leagues/etc without calling you names, cussing/swearing at you, etc. are the types of opponents I value.


I totally agree, it is a game after all. What do you do first when you log in? And why?


The first thing I check when I get on is what my daily missions/tasks are so that I know what I need to focus on when playing the game for that day.


Planning the day ahead of time I see.  B) I am certain our readers would also like to know a little bit about your real life as well, tell us, do you have any hobbies besides HeroZero and TV of course?  :laugh: Any interests?


I like to play some other games as well, board and online but I wont elaborate as its easy to be unclassy and to post another game's name on the forums.  :X 


Well NewDay, I think this is all the time we have for today, thank you so much for being here with me and for giving me the honor to do this interview with you. It was a pleasure. I hope everyone got to know a little more about you and how a great hero like you spends his time on the daily.   :) 

Thank you Astral, it was a pleasure as well. Have a beautiful rest of your day.   (y) 



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#2 NewDay


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Posted 07 February 2020 - 10:35 AM

Thanks for interviewing me. It was a fun time. :)

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#3 will10



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Posted 08 February 2020 - 03:15 AM

Fake news!

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#4 Catznchocolate


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Posted 08 February 2020 - 07:33 PM

WIll10 for president?

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#5 frafont


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Posted 09 February 2020 - 11:26 AM

Hideout 100% = mission impossible, because when you get level 50, they upgrade maximum available to 75 or 100 :D

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#6 Astral


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Posted 09 February 2020 - 11:29 AM

Hideout 100% = mission impossible, because when you get level 50, they upgrade maximum available to 75 or 100 :D


I don’t know what you’re talking about....

- Astral

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#7 Catznchocolate


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Posted 10 February 2020 - 01:05 AM

I believe he is referring to NewDay's goal of 100 percent expansion in his hideout.

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