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The future of Hero Hideouts

Hero Hideouts

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#1 Dr. Fumanchu

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Posted 28 December 2017 - 06:35 AM

So the problem with hero hideouts is that we are essentially all working toward the same hideout (when finished my hideout will look like everyone's).. However I didn't come to complain without offering a resolution to this issue.


The solution to this is to offer more rooms then there is space for, in this way players will be forced to choose which rooms they want to include at the expense of not including other rooms.


What translates to in game would be a series of rooms that occupy an entire level. Call them Super rooms. Since they are massive they should offer massive benefits. This is a list of some super rooms I would like to see:


Donut factory: A whole level dedicated to making the delectable pastries utilizing grandmas secret recipe....  grandma was a little loony about serving size and her recipe only yields 1-2 donuts a day.

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Donut Vault: A massive monument to hoarding donuts...Grandpa was equally secretive about hoarding grandmas donuts. Utilizing his blueprints you have constructed a vault that cryogenically stores donuts  indefinitely and through quantum entanglement/spooky action at a distance your donuts gain 8% interest monthly. (put your donuts here so that you don''t accidentally use them) gringotts vault 713


Artificial Intelligence Surveillance Computer: Don't ask where it comes from and we won't tell you that its alien technology. Every hideout needs a surveillance computer to direct the best use of your hero's most precious commodity ...time.  Once per day activate heroic sense for 5-30 minutes. Open the pod bay doors Hal!


Temporal Laser: It takes an entire day to charge the huge capacitors, but when ready the temporal laser can be fired at a room within your hideout advancing its production and/or construction an entire day. 1.21 gigawatts?! Great Scott!


Personal trainer: A valuable asset to every hero, your personal trainer improves the quality of training while decreasing the amount of time needed to train. Effect: gain 20% more skill points from training while reducing training time by 20%. Note you need 1 personal trainer for each skill (Strength, Stamina, Brains, Intuition),...Do. Or do not. There is no try


Simulacrum: Hero's cannot be at two places at the same time....or can they? Laboratory geniuses used both android and cloning technologies to create the simulacrum a nearly exact duplicate of your hero that completes missions at half your normal speed. The only question remaining is which one of you is the evil twin?  Jim, I think I liked him with a beard better.



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#2 FaithfulAizen


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 09:18 AM

Interesting ideas Dr Fumanchu.

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#3 Mahhafooznit


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 12:12 PM

Very well thought out. 

If they do not want to do what you are asking at least add 3 more full rungs with ability to place another 2 attack bots, 1 defense bot, 1 defense base, 1 workshop, 1 laboratory, 2 glue factory, 2 zeronite mine, 3 generators.


It will take so long to dig out the new holes but in the meantime. People can decide to go all offense, all defense, all learning, all modification gathering. 

#4 FallingGrace


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 02:32 PM

If they were 1 space rooms then I could see Donut factory, the computer, and the trainer being the ideal 3 rooms to occupy the remaining space in the hideout.


The vault would encourage donut hoarding rather than spending, the laser would be a 20+ donut speed up daily (too OP), and the simulacron sounds a bit like multi-tasking so redundant.


However a free donut or 2 daily is not a game breaker, a little teaser of heroic sense might get a few people addicted to using it, and who doesn't want more stats? Those 3 seem like winners to me.

#5 Dwerp


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 03:22 PM

I like the trainer/gym thought... but with a few tweaks.


Instead of, like you propose, one trainer for each stat, how about a gym similar to the workshop. You get a random stat that takes  8 to 12 hours to manifest. You could refresh to get a different training stat (like workshop 1 free then 1 donut per refresh). 12 hours later it adds an amount of skill points based on the level of the gym....


You could also add special items to this like workshop has (like the mod slot manufacturing). Say, a chance to train for extra energy. Or train for a couple donuts... (work out to get a guilt free yummy snack).. 


Great ideas... 


#6 centella


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 06:02 PM

great ideas for our heroes but in order to get things more likely done by HZ, we have to get into their "frame of mind" of getting us to buy donuts, not something that would make us stop buying them


from Ideas I gave and what others gave


ones who might be more likely are


"pet shop" where we can give a collar to our pets and a Jewell stone ( common, rare or epic ) that would add as a mod extra stats to our pets


donuts bakery that would add 1 donut every 8 to 13 hours ( depends on your level )


clone maker ( 1 every 12 hours and you can store from a max of 10 ( level 1 )  to 40 ( level 20 ) depending on room level ) that you can put to automatically report to team fights 1 hour before scheduled fight  if you still had not gotten online and you remembered to  check it to do so


add to workshop a "mod extractor" to take out a mod from an item and be able to use it later instead of losing it





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#7 stevegamer


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 09:11 PM

The Artificial Intelligence Surveillance Computer & Temporal Laser are nice ideas.


I doubt that there would be two ways to gain donuts from rooms. Given that I think the bakery makes sense, generate 1 donut every X hours, and leveling it up gets faster, so that it ends up being say 2 donuts a day, starting at some much reduced rate.



I really like the Donut Vault idea to avoid accidental donut spend. An alternate thing that might get more traction since the game is a business, would be making it more like a vault, and less like a bank generating interest. Maybe donuts go into the vault for free. You are charged 10% of your withdrawal as a storage fee,minimum of 1 donut. Upgrades could reduce fees and increase storage amount.

#8 Astral


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Posted 30 December 2017 - 10:51 PM

Amazing ideas. Keep them coming :) 

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#9 LevelHunter


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Posted 31 December 2017 - 03:39 PM

Thank you very much for your great suggestion.


The developers have to decide now whether they implement it - or not. :)



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#10 chumak


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Posted 25 January 2018 - 09:55 AM

Sounds like a good idea, but I stand, somewhat, by centella. They need to sell donuts, make money. They seem to be doing well already ;)

#11 Tyranny



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Posted 16 February 2018 - 04:20 PM

I'm going to post this here as it sort of relates to hideouts?


Creating another Equipment slot to change the appearance of Defense and Attack Bots. Paint colours, clothing (!), weapon types? Perhaps have it associated with the current themes (imagine YoYo Island bots dressed is leis, sunglasses and hula skirts. You're welcome.)

#12 chumak


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Posted 17 February 2018 - 06:09 AM

interesting ideas, indeed. However, I don't remember anyone talking about Fight Club or Exchange room... I assume, HZ has their own ideas ;)

#13 chumak


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Posted 17 February 2018 - 07:27 AM

Post Scriptum: umm, why scriptum is not recognized by this redactor?

Almost lost it here :) :)

Second: Majority of heroes do not worry much about upgrading their hideouts much. "Essentially" may happen in 3 years. What you are proposing is how to get HZ make quick buck on new comers, that YOU, or some of you, seem to be defending.

I just don't get it.

HZ works with, creating new rooms, new bonuses, new team bonuses... But are you aware of the world around you??? I, honestly, doubt that.

Sure, go ahead with the proposals... But... seriously... Think of the timeline! People come and go. Sure. But how many stay, all things compared?

Are you trying to bring new people in or get rid of them? Personally, it looks more like a second.

I am on 29th spot on expansion of HO. I have bought second worker three months after it started. Maybe couple of people did that too. What are you trying to create? Elite top? And then what? Jump speed server, new server and start all over again??

No balance, whatsoever!

#14 chumak


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Posted 17 February 2018 - 07:50 AM

ok... I may have gone too far. Again.

As a suggestion, give new players a welcome in a way of 3 first levels of HO for free and sped up construction and upgrades ;)

From what I have seen even 4 levels won't kill the game, to be honest ...

on US3 server there are a lot of people that won't go for a second worker of HO, Waiting for over a month for one simple upgrade of one simple room is a waste of time. It screws up the team, it screws up the integrity of the game.


 What I am trying to say, is that  "essentially we are going to be equal" --- that is the most stupid thing I have ever heard in the gaming world! ---  4 stats and bunch of gear and sidekicks and mods and God knows what else and with all that "you" are going to be equal with the rest of the Heroes in ....


My Gosh! You play in a TEAM, not by yourself!

Ok, now I am done ;)

Have a good time of day ;)

Edited by chumak, 17 February 2018 - 08:07 AM.

#15 RoderickG


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Posted 12 March 2018 - 03:04 AM

Seems like eventually most of the Zeronite and SuperGlue that is produced will be superfluous. Unless they have A LOT of new rooms planned, there has to be a point where the resources will be unnecessary. I would propose a couple of possible changes.

Possibility #1   How about making ZeroNite a FUEL SOURCE instead of a building material? You could then require every Hideout to have a Power Core that used varying amounts of Zeronite fuel depending on the number of rooms being supported and the level of the Power Core. The existing generators would have to be renamed to avoid confusion. Maybe call them turboboosters or something. Superglue would become the primary resource for room building and upgrading. If you run out of Zeronite, rooms will become inactive as the Power Core produces less energy.


Possibility #2  If you don't want to completely rewrite the mechanics of the Hideout, just create another Exchange Room or add an additional function at the upper upgrade levels of the Exchange which allows players to SELL AND BUY SuperGlue and Zeronite for coins. This would have to be a fairly poor exchange rate for game balance but at least it would get rid of the stuff when it's exceeding your storage ability.

Edited by RoderickG, 12 March 2018 - 03:06 AM.

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