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Garage Interview #20 with EzrealStorm

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#1 LevelHunter


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Posted 07 November 2017 - 08:19 PM

This week I found one of our promising youngsters: EzrealStorm in his swimming suit 
Why did you choose this nickname for your hero?
Few years ago a friend started calling me Storm for some reason and it stuck with me so I named my hero out of a character from a video game named “Ezreal“ who was my favorite and then just added Storm at the end  :P 
On which servers do you play? 
I play on all 3 US servers but I spend most of my time in US2 
How did you discover the HeroZero-game?
I discovered HeroZero through friends when I was in middle school because everyone in my school would be playing and they lured me to it a few years ago. 
How long do you already fight for justice at HeroZero? 
I’ve been playing in US2 for over 1 year but I was playing in GR servers when I was in middle school. So I’d say a few years. 
Do you still remember the first days as a newbee in Hero Zero?  Do you have some tips for beginners?
Oh god… Yes I remember them very well unfortunately  :D I remember how I would never do training and ignore it completely.. Do your training people! 
What is your favorite skill-distribution?
I like dodging everyone so intuition is my favorite skill.
What is your favorite sidekick? Do you give them names? and what sidekick-skills do you prefer?
My favorite sidekick is Paul the fish, I love giving them names. Every sidekick of mine that I use has a name that means something. I LOVE giving my sidekicks Rainbow glitter power, Horribly glib and of course. Swift fins. 
How often do you visit the forum? 
Every day when I come online to save the world I take a glance at it. 
What do you like most in game? Do you have any specific goals in the game?
I love how I get to make friends all the time in this game, it is really what makes the game really fun. One of my goals is to get a blue stat which is 20.000 + in 1 skill! 
What does your team mean to you in HeroZero? You are advisor at Solo Hog on US3 and Dark Mayhem in US2. 
My team means everything. I love them in both servers. Everyone is playing as a group and we all help each other which I think is what makes a team very loved and we always have very cool chats  
Have you made friends here? And what do you like about them? 
I’ve made a lot of friends in this game. I love how I can keep on making more and how we all play together every day. (Shout out to Allthingsnice) 
Are there any opponents you respect? 
Yes, I respect everyone. Even my worst enemy, one of my favorite opponents is FaithfulAizen the cat lady that I talk to everyday.
Is there any special moment in your career as a hero you would like to share with us? 
Oh yes. The time I reached Superhero league, it made me really happy, 2/10/17! 
What do you think about HeroCon? Did it improve teamwork? And what is your opinion about the Hideout?
I think HeroCon got all the members of teams closer together and made them work together to achieve a goal which is very fun and amazing. The hideout is my specialty, It’s one of my favorite things about the game. After all the updates we had about it I think it finally is perfect. 
I’m sure you've fought against a Villain... what was your best finishing position?
Rank: 1 and I’ve gotten last hit multiple times! 
Do you want to talk a bit about the life you lead when you're not being a Hero? Maybe about hobbys, family?
I am a high school student who moved to Canada from Greece 2 years ago and loves playing all sports and herozero, my family is very small but hardworking, I have an older brother who is in college right now.
Thanks for your insights Ezreal, this is LevelHunter signing off.
~ originally made by SabiLilli

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#2 FaithfulAizen


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Posted 07 November 2017 - 08:21 PM

Good job ezreal super proud

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Aizen is the best

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#3 Dwerp


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Posted 07 November 2017 - 09:07 PM

Awesome read! Thanks for the insights! 

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#4 Dio



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Posted 10 November 2017 - 09:52 PM

(inlove)  (inlove)  (inlove)  amazing interview garage!!! good job!!

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#5 Shinnam



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Posted 23 November 2017 - 03:40 AM

Nice interview Ez :)

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#6 Astral


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Posted 23 November 2017 - 03:43 AM

Thanks y'all <3 

(lol)~Astral is amazing~ (lol)

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(smug) ~ Taylor's Biggest Fan ~ (smug)

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