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Garage Interview #17 with bill12

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#1 LevelHunter


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Posted 01 May 2017 - 01:39 PM

Hello community and welcome to another garage interview, this time with bill12 (Nad Westor)!




- Hi, how are you? Can you give us your username and the servers where you are playing?
- Hi, I am good hope you are doing good, too. I play on all three servers but more active on US2 and US3
US1: JOHNCENA , US2: bill12 , US3: AnnieOakley1


- Do you want to talk a little bit about yourself, about the life when you are not working as a hero?
- My Name is Nadeem. I am From Pakistan residing in Kuwait now. I have completed my studies couple years ago. Now I am searching for a job and while I am home I enjoy the Hero Zero world   :D .

- When did you start to play Hero Zero?
- I created my first character in US2 over 3 years ago in march I guess.

- How did you start player Hero Zero? Through friends? Publicity?
- I used to play a lot of Facebook Games and I started playing Operation X and found HZ in recommended and started playing and enjoyed HZ more than Operation X.

- Do you still remind the first days as a “noob” in Hero Zero?
- Yes I did a lot of stupid things while I was a noob like releasing my very first sidekick. When I used to see someone naked I used to mail them why don’t you buy clothes from shop Lol  :D. Then after some time I came to know that we can get undressed for losing honor and I did not knew that we can set work for more than 1 hour came to know abut it when I was level 75+ .

- What do you like the most in the game?
- I like the tournaments the most those are so much fun whenever I participate I look for competition.

- Do you have particular goals to achieve in the game?
- Yes I want to join 400 level club in US2 and in US3 want to get to 10k Skill in all 4 attributes before I get to level 300.

- In your opinion, what was your greatest achievement in HZ so far?
- Reaching Level 300 and alsojoining Villains Incorporated were my biggest achievements by far.

-  Hero Zero creates friendships. Have you created any kind of friendship with another player? Who and how?
- Yes games are for fun and fun begins if you make friends. I like Chatting a lot so I have way too many friends from all 3 servers  in US2 ErmaEmpath, Golinari, LeafHurricane1 , Mijoba and Menamarie. In US3 ShockWave, Dude , Sinister and Ouch and in US1 Rita2 and SelinaSnape.

- Who's your favorite Hero? Why? (e.g. Batman, Super-Man )
- I am a huge fan of Super Man since my early teenage.

- Which are your tips for beginners?
- I would say keep on training and try to save as much gold as possible by doing missions and duels etc and last too be a team player.

- Describe HZ in 3 words.
- I would Say Lot of Fun, Addictive, Competitive.

- Is there any player you look up to, that you admire? And if so, who is it and why?
- Yes, I admire ErmaEmpath , ShockWave  and IMG , I admire how Shock leads our team in US3 he controls everything from tournaments to team fights and I have learnt almost everything in the game from Erma and I admired IMG for his level.

- Name up to three players next to the following descriptions:
Best players (exclusively based on their ability as players, not their personality etc.):

- I think it should be Triggerhappy from US3, IMG and Kristat from US2.

 Opponents you respect the most:
(Operationrredwings) now known as Meljer and Windwalker from US3 , SilverWing from US2.

  Favourite forum members:
- I like the work of FumaHanzo (King Of Thieves), Centella and Angelica Synn.

-You are one of the top players of Hero Zero. What is the secret of your success? 
- I like to do coin missions and training  to get my hero stronger than keeping on to level up quick.




- What is the most strange, funny or in your opinion the best name you have named a pet?
- In naming sidekick I keep on doing stupid things I started a Kill Series firt used to name every sidekick as Kill01 , Kill02 etc. then as my level  grew up I stopped naming them like that. I lost the fun in it- Then I started naming them with differnent sports things and My latest sidekick name which was cool for me is  Final Destination.



- Have you ever won a weekly tournament? In what category? Was it worth the effort?
- Yes I have won a lot of tournaments in all three server mostly the honor tournaments as I told earlier I like the tournaments the most because it's competitive.

- Do you have a hobby you want to share with us?
- Yes, I love to play cricket. If you give me my PC I would play Hero Zero and if you take it away I will be out playing cricket.

- You played against a villain? What is your best position to qualify?
- Sorry I can’t play against a villain because I am one.  ;)   :D

- In Hero Zero, friendships are very important. Probably you have a lot of friends in the game.
Who are your close friends and how did you meet them?

- In HZ ErmaEmpath is the closest friend of mine we met when I joined her team Rascals. I learnt a lot from her.

-What's your favorite sidekick ?
- My favorite sidekick is Paul, because he is cute.

- What is yout favorite items ?
- My favorite item is the wings of champion league suit.

- What is your favorite sidekick's capacity/skill ?
- My favorite sidekick skills for team fights is Slimmy Drip , Cockered UP and Cheating Death and For duels I like Black Ice , Penalty Taker and Cheating Death.

- What is the first thing are you doing when you connect on the game ?
- I like to read the team mail first to read the plan if we are supposed to win or lose a fight then training.



Thank you very much for your insights bill! This is LevelHunter, signing off.

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#2 Nad Westor

Nad Westor


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  • Character:bill12
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Posted 02 May 2017 - 04:04 PM

Thanks for the interview :) 

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