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Garage Interview #16

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#1 JacetheMindsculptorBeleren



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Posted 09 September 2016 - 04:12 AM

Hi all. JacetheMindsculptorBeleren here.
The Powers that Be have decided to add to my new moderator duties by asking if I wanted to do Garage Interviews .
This will be my first interview, and it's with Zeb.
Hi there! Could you tell us your name and when you started playing Hero Zero, and on what server(s)?
Zeb... I play on US2 only used to Play on US1 but that was so dead so I deleted it
How did you start playing Hero Zero? Advertisements, maybe because of a friends recommendation?
Once I was scrolling through games on fb and I found out about hz and started playing and active since then
Do you remember the day you start playing Hero Zero?
Its been 578 days... to be exact on 02/02/2015
Where does your pseudonym a.k.a. nickname originate from? 
I am a huge wrestling fan and once I was watching a  telecast of Zeb Colter so got Zeb  from there and made it my gaming name 
What do you like the most in the game, and what do you like the least?
I like the casino and Multi-Tasking... Those are the best features, I guess
What is the most successful thing you have in Hero Zero?
I just completed Level 250... that would be the biggest
Do you want to achieve something specifically in your career as a hero?
Yes... to get  my Skills to at least  5000 each... and reach Level 300
How does it feel to be an advisor, in other words in the leadership, of the #1 ranked team on the entire server?
 Its great!  I'm advisor of a team I love... especially, i love all my team mates .
Is there any special moment in your career as a hero you would like to share with us?
Yup... that would be when we went under the leadership of Tamara... she is a good Leader.  
Have there been any moments when you thought of quitting the game? What made you go on?
Yes, there were moments... like when I had my school exams and I was too d***ed busy to even login... then I started opening game at midnight just before sleep .
What is the most strange, funny or in your opinion the best name you have named a pet? You may also tell us if you think somebody else has named their pet in some funny and good way.
I usually don’t name my sidekicks... I did name one “The Great One”
What's your favorite sidekick, and what are your favorite abilities for it?
I like Head Butt, The Strength of Two and  Two are Better  Than  One
In Hero Zero, friendships are very important. You probably have a lot of friends in the game. Who are your closest friends and how did you meet them?
I have a few... I like [our current Leader ] Tamara , [My first Team Leader ] TheMysterious , TeddyBeertje  and bill12
Is there any player you look up to, that you admire? And if so, who is it and why?
Yes, I admire ErmaEmpath and IMG 
Which of your opponents do you respect the most, and who, in your opinion, is the best player on this particular server?
I am not very active in tournaments etc. so don’t really chat with any opponents  I have 3 whom I feel are the best...  IMG , ErmaEmpath and PiturcaJr 
What is your advice to newbies?
Keep on training, and play it like a game... lol
Who is your favorite hero outside the game? Why? (e.g. Batman, Super-Man)
I Like SpiderMan and used to like Zorro
Describe HZ in three words.
Fun , Addicting , Time Consuming 
Do you want to talk a little bit about yourself, about your life when you are not working as a hero? 
I am a student... I just completed  Intermediate now I'm studying AutoCAD
Have you ever won a weekly tournament? In what category? Was it worth the effort?
Yes... I won the Honor Tournament once a long time ago thanks to my team who helped me... and yes, it was worth it... the 75 Donuts were sweet, as I am a free to play player, so every donut means a lot

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#2 Nad Westor

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Posted 09 September 2016 - 03:43 PM

Congratz JacetheMindsculptorBeleren on Your First Interview good one :) 

#3 JacetheMindsculptorBeleren



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Posted 09 September 2016 - 11:17 PM

Thank you very much.

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Aphrael the Child Goddess is back in a new reincarnation.

#4 sunfrog



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Posted 21 September 2016 - 02:33 PM

thank for share

#5 LevelHunter


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Posted 21 September 2016 - 07:39 PM

Nice one Beleren!
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#6 Mommy


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Posted 24 September 2016 - 08:13 PM

great job. im glad to see these again :)

Have fun! Its a game! :D

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