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Garage Interview #10 with Windwalker

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#1 King of Thieves

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Posted 01 August 2015 - 08:19 AM


Welcome to the show, everyone. This is Garage Interviews Live, and I'm your host, King of Thieves. Our guest today is someone everyone has heard of and many of you have been asking to appear on the show. Everyone please give a huge, welcoming round of applause for everyone's hero, the infamous WINDWALKER!   (y) 





(Loud applause)


Welcome to the show, Windwalker. You seem to be pretty popular with our viewing audience, so thank you for stopping by. How are you doing today, and can you tell our audience what servers you play on?



Nowadays I'm mainly on Us3, but I began playing HZ on US2 Feb. 2014. My character there is basically retired now, so that I can concentrate more on leading my team in US3.


I'm great by the way....



Glad to hear. 


Can you tell us how you started your career as a hero in our great town of Humphreydale?



HZ just came up as a recommended game on my fb on my feed and I was looking for something new to play so I checked it out and have been playing since.





Do you have any interesting stories from your first days as a crime fighter, back when you were still a rookie?



Nothing really interesting, I just fell in love with the game right away, worked hard on my character and was fortunate enough to have a top 10 team notice the hard work I was putting in fairly quickly. I had only been on one other team before being invited to this team, which is something I don't think many other "noobs" can say. Once on the team, I was taken under one of the advisers wings and learned a great deal, so I was very fortunate and it's one of the reasons I'm as good as I am today.



Impressive to be snatched up by a top team so quickly. I can certainly see how such good fortune could take you so far.


That said, can you tell us what, in your opinion, is your greatest achievement thus far as a crime fighter?



Oh my! I don't think I could name just one. I have done so many things that I would never have thought possible when I 1st started. I never could have even dreamed of being a leader of my own team, yet now, here I am just a year and a half later doing exactly that. Being the highest level overall in US3, being #1 in experience and honor tournies many different times, and the list goes on. I must say though that if I had to pick one I guess it would be becoming leader, because it was just given to me unexpectedly when the previous leader decided to retire, and at 1st I didn't know if I would flop. Now, with the help of a great team of advisers and a lot of hardworking team members, I have lots of confidence and no fear in leading what I consider the best team in US3!





Well said. I couldn't agree more.


Are there any heroes you admire, who's example perhaps helped shape the hero you are today?



Some of the Heroes I admire would be KKJN, PiturcaJr., Xandernighthawk, LeapingLizard, ErmaEmpath, and yourself (FumaHanzo) from US2. I also admire Texasred, Priscilla, Polsol, Shockwave, and a few others from US3 for all their hard work and commitment. Not only that, but most of these heroes have no problem going above and beyond and are willing to give advice or a helping hand to others whenever needed.



Wow! Thank you very much. I'll take that as a compliment of the highest order coming from you. Hold on a second. Give me a moment to compose myself. I think I'm blushing a little.



You deserve it! Not easy taking a new team and making it number one in an established server in what? 6 months or so?


I'll be looking for that check in my mailbox in the coming weeks.  ;)



Well, you might be looking for a long time. But enough about me. I already had my interview. I think our audience really want to hear about you.


So, can you tell us a bit about yourself? What does our hero, Windwalker, like to do when he isn't running about saving the day? Any hobbies? Maybe a love interest? I'm sure all the ladies want to know if their hero is available.



I enjoy reading, playing cards, and watching movies. I have a 15 year old daughter who also keeps me busy. I was single up until recently and actually found the girl of my dreams right here in HZ. So, sorry ladies, unfortunately you'll have to find yourself another hero.



Wow! Hero and heroine romance! I'm sure hearts are breaking all across the country right now, especially after hearing about what a loving father you are. Sorry ladies. But if it's any consolation, I do know a villain who's free.  


Do you have any tips for rookie heroes; any advice that can help them be the best crime fighters they can be?



My advice is to work hard, do all your training and as much energy as you can everyday. Try to find yourself a good team and STICK WITH IT! Don't be a team hopper. Also, try to find someone willing to help you and guide you. Having someone to help you can make a big difference. I know it did for me. Don't waste coins on clothes and items so much, but use them on buying stat points instead. In the beginning any items you buy are useless within a day, whereas the stat points are there permanently.



That really is good advice, especially in this fashion conscious world today. We have a whole show called "Super Fashions" geared only to that. Whoever the producer of that show is should really be ashamed of himself. 


I've noticed all the veteran players keep a sidekick around. Batman has Robin. Captain America has Bucky. Superman has..... Wait..... Who wrote my note cards?  Nevermind about Superman. Who's your favorite sidekick and what's your favorite skill they use? 



Ahh! Here we go again with the favorites. Once again, I don't think I can't pick just one. It also doesn't help that I have 1 SK for duels and missions, but then I have another just for team battles. My top 3 favorite SK's are Slimer, The Minion, and The Wolf. (The newest one.) As far as favorite moves, I am partial to Cheating Death on my duel/mission SK. I think that most people would agree that it's a game changer at times. As far as my fight SK for when I'm fighting other teams, Cockered Up and 2 are better than 1 are pretty much a tie for me. If I absolutely HAD to pick between 1 or the other it would be Cockered Up. Having the trophy minus points reduced by 15% is HUGE when your team has 5 trophies.





We have to take a short commercial break and then we'll be right back with our guest, the infamous Windwalker, everyone!




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Welcome back, everyone. This is Garage Interviews Live. I'm your host, King of Thieves, here with our special guest, the one, the only, Windwalker!





As you know, League battles have fairly recently been added to the "things to do list" about town. I was wondering, what do you like most about this new aspect of crime fighting?



I love the basic skills boost of course, but I also enjoy all the coins I get from each individual fight.



More coin is always a good thing. I know I like a pocket full of cash.


Do you have any advice for our viewers on how to climb the ladder, so to speak, when it comes to League battles?



I am currently in 1st and don't really see any major benefit other than bragging rights for it, so when I see a team member who is lower and needs help rising in the league I will usually strip down and give them league points so they can enjoy the benefits of being in the champion league also.





Ah! Ever the selfless hero, always willing to help those in need! What a guy! 


Can you name up to 3 players for each of the following categories?


a ) Based solely on their ability, which heroes do you think are the best.


b ) Which opponents do you respect the most.


c ) Who are your favorite forum members, if you're following the forums. Because you ARE following the forums, right?



A.) Operation Redwings, Gar, Shockwave


B.) PolSol, Danny13, Priscilla


C.) King of Thieves (I swear I'm not just trying to suck up!), Priscilla, and Leaping Lizard



HA! HA!  (lol)  I'll have that bribe money for you after the show.


Everyone knows you're one of the best heroes in HZ. Would you care to share with us the secret of your success?



Not much of a secret. It's lots of hard work, doing training and energy everyday, but it's also having a great team that also works hard and does what is asked of them. Without that we wouldn't hold the trophies that I use to help get me where I am.



Speaking of teams, your team is one of the top teams around. Can you tell us a little about what it's like leading such a great group of heroes?



Absolutely AWESOME!! I couldn't ask for a better team of advisers and heroes!! Like I said earlier, when I 1st took over this team, I was just kind of thrown into it and had no clue what I was doing, but with the help of my advisers and some veteran players, I have learned a lot and couldn't imagine leading any other team. We are now like a well-oiled machine. All I need to do is simply ask and this team knows what it needs to do. They are all awesome and I couldn't ask for a better group of heroes!





Always good to have a good group of people behind you.


Can you sum up Hero Zero in 3 words for our audience?



Again with the limitations....lol!



Sorry. The producers tell me our sponsors afford us only so much time per show. Otherwise, it would start cutting into my paycheck. Hold on a second..... The producers just informed me I'm not getting paid. Wait. Wha? That can't be right!  And they call me the villain?   :S 


Anyway, back to the question. 



If I must keep it to 3 words, I guess it would be, "Lots of Fun!!!"



That's definitely better than, "Who's paying me?"   :huh: 


Lastly, Hero Zero is known for making lasting friendships. Can you tell us about some of the ones you've made here and what they mean to you?



I've made friends not only with members of my team, but also members of other teams. It's actually what keeps this game fun and exciting for me, because I will transfer leadership and go visiting those teams. Danny13 from Fuzzy Gummies is one of the teams that not only I, but Operationredwings, and KirktheJerk like to stop in and visit now and then. We are welcomed there with open arms and always have a good time. Speaking of Kirk and Operation, they are 2 of the people on my team that I have established great relationships with, and I am grateful to HZ for that. There are also others that I would consider calling friends, but the list would be kind of long and my fingers would cramp.



I can certainly understand that. Not to mention, I imagine fighting bad guys would be kind of tough with cramped hands.


Again, thanks so much for stopping in and sharing a bit of yourself with us Windwalker. It was truly a pleasure.



Pleasure was all mine! I can check another box off on my bucket list!  :)



I'm glad we could help you out with that. There's donuts in the back if you're hungry. I think they're strawberry frosting. I know these shows can get long sometimes. Also, I'll meet you in the parking lot once I'm through wrapping things up with the producers. That way I can give you that bribe money we discussed before the show for making me look good. So don't take off before I get out there.



Great! I love the strawberry ones.


I gotta admit for a villain you seem to be pretty honorable in paying your debts.



You haven't seen how small your check is yet.   ;) 


Everyone, give it up for Windwalker!



(Loud applause)


Well, that's all the time we have for today's show, folks. Be sure to return next month when we interview another great hero from HZ! Same Bat Time. Same Bat Channel!


This is King of Thieves signing off!



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I'm bringing sexy back!

#2 PostmodernPugilist


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Posted 01 August 2015 - 09:34 AM

(Insert ungracious, ill-natured, inappropriate bitching here)


GREAT INTERVIEW!!!! Well done to host and interviewee that was a nice entertaining read over the cornflakes.



(my invoice for "personal recommendation services" is in the post KoT)

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Pinken Stein: The Postmodern Pugilist, Ex-Moderator


Proud leader of Turbulence (till I can find some other mug to take the job off my hands)

Ask Aunty Pink: Hero Zero's PREMIER Agony Advice Column. http://forum.us.hero...pink/#entry3602


In Memoriam: Russ Smith, Gone but never forgotten 

#3 Nad Westor

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Posted 01 August 2015 - 10:53 AM

Awesome Interview and Congrats KoT (FumaHanzo)  on hosting your 1st interview 



and your own line at the end Hail Hydra!   (lol)  ;)

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#4 leapinglizard


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Posted 01 August 2015 - 12:12 PM

Congratulations wind!!well deserved
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#5 Jagan


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Posted 01 August 2015 - 03:06 PM

Well done! 

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“What would your good be doing if there were no evil, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it? After all, shadows are cast by objects and people. There is the shadow of my sword. But there are also shadows of trees and living creatures. Would you like to denude the earth of all the trees and all the living beings in order to satisfy your fantasy of rejoicing in the naked light?”

― Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita

#6 ErmaEmpath


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Posted 01 August 2015 - 03:40 PM

Excellent entertainment !!!.  Thank you both for a great time reading.  I love what Windwalker said about visiting teams.  The main fun of the game for me is getting to know others from around the world.  I have visited other teams myself and find it fun and educational to see how other teams are run.  Extra coins or donuts to a new team are always appreciated and welcome if they happen to fall out of your pocket during your visit.

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#7 operationredwings


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Posted 01 August 2015 - 10:26 PM

you finally got your day to shine wind, way to go on doing a great interview. i bet you couldnt wait to do it all those fan letter you get from level one players how great you are...but the team knows better, your not great..not at all, you are a legendary hero, and you have led this team through many turbulences and look how strong we are, we have made alot of friends outside our team that you mentioned, they are appreciated. thank you for being a great leader who takes care of his team, and doesnt leave us to rot. as for this love interest, it amazes me that you never mentioned this interest in the team...o wait you might of...once...twice...ahh whos counting :P anyway its your time to shine, so shine bright.. :)

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#8 AngelicaSynn


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Posted 02 August 2015 - 10:54 AM

... you have led this team through many turburlances ...


I beg your pardon, Madam Redwings, but I assure you there is only ONE Turbulence...


(On US servers, at any rate...)

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My new character....

#9 King of Thieves

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Posted 02 August 2015 - 11:24 AM

He didn't write Turbulence. He wrote turburlances, which I believe is a type of spear.

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#10 MungusArrive



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Posted 25 September 2015 - 09:32 PM

Maybe we can't help feeling scared alone! But we're all right here, together! We've got out friends close by! Now there's nothing to fear, because we are not alone! I'M ALL FIRED UP!!!

#11 Windwalker1971


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Posted 08 June 2024 - 05:32 AM

*Sighs.....The good ol' Days!

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