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Garage Interview #4 - Kristat

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#1 AngelicaSynn


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Posted 07 February 2015 - 09:18 AM

Hello and welcome!
AngelicaSynn here. As one of the forums moderators, I have been asked to contribute to the Garage Interview series.
I chose to interview Kristat. She is leader of a currently TOP10 team, the Drunken Degenerates.
Kristat, How are you today? I want to thank you for agreeing to participate.
I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking.
So, to get right to business, What is your user name and on what servers do you currently play?
I currently play on US1, US2, and US3, although there was a brief stint on UK1 and FR5. My username is Kristat across all three servers.
Do you want to tell us a little about your life when not paying the game?
There's not much to tell. I'm a college student studying biology. My parents are amazing people who let me mooch off of them, so  I'm not working right now. 
And how long have you played HeroZero?
I began playing on US1 in September of 2012, and I started on the other two on the days they came out. That's over two years of HZ.
How did you start playing Hero Zero? Through friends? Publicity?
I actually saw my brother playing the game on Kongregate one day. I think it was advertised as one of the hot new games or something. Anyway, I liked the silly outfits and the missions, so I made my own account. 
Do you still remember your days as a noob player in HeroZero?
Oh definitely... I was a hopeless noob when I began playing on US1. I regularly skipped training and usually only did a few missions a day. It took ages for me to improve.  I'm surprised my team put up with me.
What do you like the most in the game?
The fourth energy refill. When I've reached that, I know that sleep is only an hour away.  :lol:
Do you have particular goals to achieve in the game?
Honestly, I try not to think too far ahead because most things in the game take so long to accomplish. My main goal right now is probably to reach 10k stats in each category. Or maybe get to level 400. 
In your opinion, what is your greatest achievement in Hero Zero so far?
My greatest achievement is definitely keeping my team together this long. The top ten on US2 has gone through so many changes since the server opened, and I'm proud to say that our team has stuck together despite all the craziness.
Thanks for everything, guys. You're the best.
So... Hero Zero creates friendships. Have you created any kind of friendship with other players? Who and how?
Well obviously, teams are usually where friendships form. After spending so much time chatting with people and plotting revenge on your "enemies", you're bound to become friends.
Who's your favorite superhero? Why? (e.g. Batman, Super-Man)
Hugh Jackman. I mean...Wolverine. Need I say more?
Any tips for new players?
First, find a team that you get along with. Being alone is no fun at all.  Never skip training. Do as many missions as possible. Duel often. These are just basic things. There's so much more to being a good hero, so don't be afraid to ask more experienced players about their strategies. Many of them are friendly and eager to share.
Would you name up to three players that you feel answer to the following descriptions:
Best players (exclusively based on their ability as players, not their personality etc.)
PiturcaJrKkjn, and GipsyGunner are the best.
Opponents you respect the most:
Piturca, because he's gotten to the point where he's practically untouchable.  Kkjn is also a good opponent but an even better friend. Seriously, the guy is super cool.  I'm also very impressed by xDogmeatx, who's managed to become one of the top levels on the server despite joining rather late compared to the rest of us.
Favourite forum members? (if you are following the forum)
To be honest, I don't  follow the forums too closely, but from what I've seen, it seems like lucyliu is one of the most helpful members (outside of the mod staff, of course).
How does it feel to be a leader of one of the best teams in the entire server? Is it an easy task?
It's amazing. Their dedication astounds me. I mean, these people play at work, during class, and at all hours of the night. They come in when they're exhausted, sick, or drunk. They even play while their families or significant others watch them in disapproval.  I'm thankful to everyone who's stuck with us for this long, and I'm so proud of everything they've accomplished.  As for the difficulty of running the team, I rely so heavily on my advisors that you could say they're the ones in charge.
Have you ever won a weekly tournament? In what category? Was it worth the effort?
I've participated in both the experience and honor categories and gotten rank one in both, although not on every server. It does takes a lot of time, but the free donuts are worth it.  :lol:
In your long career, I'm sure you have played against a villain? What is your best qualifying position?
Yes, definitely...  I've gotten rank one and last hit a few times, although that may never happen again on US2. Thanks, new players. You guys keep doing what you're doing.
On a lighter note, What's your favorite sidekick and what is your favorite sidekick's capacity/skill ?
Out of the ones that I actually own, I like the goat the most, but I would love to get my hands on an owl. Cheating Death, hands down. It's a real game changer for those close duels and team fights.
And finally, What is the first thing  you do when you connect on the game? Why?
I usually train first because it doesn't take  much brain power, meaning I can focus on my messages and team chat. If nothing requires immediate attention, I'll do my initial five duels.
Thank you for your time today, Kristat. You've been quite helpful and entertaining.
If you need anything more from me, please let me know. I'm looking forward to seeing the interview in the forums.
For Team US, I'm your roving reporter, AngelicaSynn.

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#2 splidow



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Posted 07 February 2015 - 11:38 PM

Great job Kristat!  You are a top notch leader and friend.

#3 leapinglizard


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Posted 08 February 2015 - 12:41 AM

Great read about an incredible player

#4 lucy


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Posted 08 February 2015 - 02:12 AM

Thanks for the mention, I must be one of those players who are friendly and eager to share their wisdom :lol: .

I know a few people who have played with you in the team or still do and they say the kindest and most positive things about you. That's commendable, not just for a player on this game but for the person behind the hero.

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#5 Dogmeat



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Posted 09 February 2015 - 09:20 PM

Thanks for the name dropping! Normally I only get mentioned in the same breath with "restraining order" and "not you again".


Heh heh now if only I had a De Lorean that could do 88 mph, I can add another 12 months playing time and join the rest of you long-timers in the upper ranks. Heh heh will be a long time before I can match the stats of some of you lifers!


Keep on grinding everyone!

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#6 Jagan


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Posted 10 February 2015 - 04:01 AM

Drunken Degenerates, our favourite team to hate. And I mean that in a good way.  :D

“What would your good be doing if there were no evil, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it? After all, shadows are cast by objects and people. There is the shadow of my sword. But there are also shadows of trees and living creatures. Would you like to denude the earth of all the trees and all the living beings in order to satisfy your fantasy of rejoicing in the naked light?”

― Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita

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