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Garage Interview #2 with: Wogalito

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#1 Funnette


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Posted 21 June 2014 - 09:28 AM

My name is Funnette and I will be the journalist for tonight.




Welcome to the Garage Interviews, here we will meet some of the most unexpected Heroes in our country. Tonight we will have the pleasure to talk with Wogalito





• Hi, how are you? Can you give us your username and the servers where you are playing?
Hello , i am doing well thank you. My hero name is wogalito ,  i play on us1 , us2 and uk2 servers . i have recently stoped playing on uk1 , as flying around the world twice a night was taking up all my time 

Why did you choose this pseudo ?
lol , i choose wogalito for its multiple applications , it can be seen as offencive , funny and as appraisal and yet has no assosiation with any of them.



• Do you want to talk a little bit about yourself, about the life when you are not working as a hero? 
Do you have a hobby you want to share with us?

I had a lot of hobbys , but now gamen takes up most of my time. I still hang out with my family and friends and play around that. Favorite hobby is camping .... ohh and gamen .... did i mention gamen


• Who's your favorite Hero? Why? (e.g. Batman, Super-Man)
My favourite superhero is wolverine. As a teen the idea of bones that dont break sounded real good 





• When did you start to play Hero Zero?
I started playing herozero  1 week after us1 server started , ive been addicted ever since



• How did you start player Hero Zero? Through friends? Publicity?
I was searching around on Kongregate for a game to play when i saw it, classified as an idle game , i had never played an idle game before , so thought i would try it.



• Do you still remind the first days as a “noob” in Hero Zero?
Hehe yes very much , the stuff of nightmares. I remember how stupid i felt when i discovered you can buy energy regens , i was all ways wondering how some people leveled so fast 



• What is the first thing are you doing when you connect on the game? Why?
The first thing i do is training , while i am doing that i do duels and check on team fights/log in . Then i use my energy , incase we loose training trophys.



• What do you like the most in the game?

I like the fact the game is idle the most , it allows me to do house work , chores and any tasks while i am playing !!!  Imagine , playing while your not even ther 



• What is the most strange, funny or in your opinion the best name you have named a pet (and why?!)?
Hehe , its quite boring compared to the brilliant pet names i have seen out ther , but meowito if the funniest my simple self has come up with 



• Do you have particular goals to achieve in the game?
YES , YES , YES , To take over the WORLD !!!  , or have some fun meeting new people , not quite worked it out yet 



• Have you ever won a weekly tournament? In what category? Was it worth the effort?
Yes , but it wasnt my fault , i was watching players duel and some one pushed me , i collided with one player and after a domino affect was among the few players left standing   , also got me sho lace caught on a missile once , when i woke up in hospital they passed me an award for leveling




• You played against a villain? What is your best position to qualify?
Fighting villans is a good way to take out the humdrum of routine , i have been lucky enought to get a first place and a last hit. The battle to win it and the rewards gained are well worth the effort




• In your opinion, what was your greatest achievement in HZ so far?
I feel the greatest thing i have achived on herozero , besides being in the rank 1 team , is to have lead a number 1 team. Tho it was not for long , the feeling of haveing the following of such loyal and hard working people is incredible , it stays with you forever


• How does it feel to be a leader of one of the best teams in the entire server? Is it an easy task?
The feeling is one of satisfaction, not the satisfaction of achiveing something yourself , but the satisfying pride of being part of a flowing , working group. It is insanly difficult , you not only take the role of mother/father but also teacher and moderator , the role also does not just stop at team , but all the high end of the server , as you have to be on top of every player motion to be prepared 



• Hero Zero creates friendships. Have you created any kind of friendship with another player? Who and how?
Ohh my yes , the herozero family is huge, i have friendships with and continue to contact friends who no longer play. I have a lot of friends in my own team and the opposing teams. I think once people get to know the people that once/now farm them they come to relise we are all haveing fun. Special Hello to moggy tops 



• Name up to three players next to the following descriptions:


  1. Best players (exclusively based on their ability as players, not their personality etc.):
  2. Opponents you respect the most:
  3. Favourite forum members (if you are following the forum):

​​Wow ther are so many great players , in all the teams  and some for one reson or another have had to deal with real life issues and have not been able to return directly. So i will just name a few player i admire and have had fun along side and against : bxvamp , Excrucio , UDareUTake , ATR , zademan , jan310510 , Baga , hiurkle , Sirgo , Twinlance , Yuck , Eva9673 . I know i have missed out a lot more , but ther is not enought room on this page for all of them ! Sorry i dont follow the forums much , but i am starting to go ther now to read these interviews , they are makeing the forums more entertaining for us longer termed players.



• Is there any special moment or/and curious anecdote in your career as a hero you would like to share with us?
Yes , never get emotional about being farmed/attacked . Todays enemys could be tomorrows team mates . Every one wants to win , but only one person can . Never fly north in the winter . All ways put your underpants on BEFORE your pants . Hope that can save some lives 



• Would you like to send a message to the community of Hero Zero?
Not sure i am the hero to do that , but i could try . Yoyodine , or should i say , yoyo players that dine , are a real threat to humanity . Ther tools of play have caused numerouse head injurys and even DEATH . Many people are distracted by ther finger twirling antics , only to be suprised by ther "accidently" well shot aims that crush skulls like a boot to a roach . Be on guard at all times , and never let your scissors leave your hand , for when those coke rolling string hurlers attack , a snip could be all you have to save your noggen from a floggen .  



• Which are your tips for beginners?
Keep your cheepest item when you start , for stitching deed . All ways keep your last few missile , to sell back to shop . BUY  A  MISSION  BOOSTER , that can never be said enought , for just a mere 10 dohnuts the gain is more that worth it . Never run with scissors , even if its to cut a yoyo diners string.  

• Describe HZ in 3 words.

  1. Imaginary
  2. Addictive
  3. Fun 


Thanks a lot for you time, i hope you keep enjoying the game. Best wishes from all the team!


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#2 issz


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Posted 21 June 2014 - 11:45 AM

lol , wogalito :) can't believe  you were on here :) nice thanks for tips :D

#3 A T R


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Posted 21 June 2014 - 08:04 PM

Ah cheers for the mention there mate :)

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#4 incredible9


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 05:01 AM

nice interview wogalito!!!!

hey funnette you should try someone from us2 because the forum is of us2 and the forum only highlights the us1 so that's pretty unfair for us2
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#5 Zagarth


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 02:16 PM

nice interview wogalito!!!!

hey funnette you should try someone from us2 because the forum is of us2 and the forum only highlights the us1 so that's pretty unfair for us2

We are working also for that server, don't worry :)

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#6 FaithfulAizen


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 04:56 AM

When I first started playing I never knew you could get refills on energy to do missions

Aizen is the best

(inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove)

(smug) brb gotta do dishes (smug)

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