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Jumpint1 players behavior

teams jumpint1 speed threats

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#1 Calang0



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Posted 18 July 2023 - 02:22 AM

hello, I come again to support to show more rottenness from the jumpint1 server, today we plan a team attack against team steroids, right after we attack them we receive threats in a new account saying that if we fight tomorrow we will all be banned! I ask support to pay more attention to what is happening on the new server because it is out of control! teams bypassing game mechanics, threatening other players, how long will this happen? the current server needs urgent control!

#2 meljer


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Posted 18 July 2023 - 04:25 AM

I'm sorry you are having problems, this is a matter for the support team, here on the forum little can be done. 
Also please be aware support can not "control" how players behave.

But with reporting players they are able to look into issues and try to resolve them. 
Unfortunately they do not sit on the game like us and see what is happening.
But write to support and let them know your concerns and they will look into the problems. 

The more details you can supply the better.
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#3 AmericanMike


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Posted 19 July 2023 - 07:16 AM

I think that a lot of this stems from messages that I have gotten before (almost on an irritatingly normal basis) from players who come on here with generic names for the sole purpose of trying to sell their "BOT" technology with this message... "If you have a person/website you don't like, you can prevent others from using it. If you don't like HeroZero, you can cut off access to others, such as me at the beginning of this server ;)" and then it goes on to list the sites that you go to in order to take advantage of the bot technology. I never have even replied or paid attention to these messages because it is largely unfair to use bot technology for this game, and from what I understand it is against the rules of this game to use this technology, so I don't understand why all of the people who use it are not banned from this game. 

#4 Peshigome



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Posted 19 July 2023 - 03:32 PM

I think that a lot of this stems from messages that I have gotten before (almost on an irritatingly normal basis) from players who come on here with generic names for the sole purpose of trying to sell their "BOT" technology with this message... "If you have a person/website you don't like, you can prevent others from using it. If you don't like HeroZero, you can cut off access to others, such as me at the beginning of this server ;)" and then it goes on to list the sites that you go to in order to take advantage of the bot technology. I never have even replied or paid attention to these messages because it is largely unfair to use bot technology for this game, and from what I understand it is against the rules of this game to use this technology, so I don't understand why all of the people who use it are not banned from this game.

Hi Mike,
You are correct. Using a bot or any other form of cheating is against the rules and Terms of Service (TOS).

Clause 3 User's Obligations
(...) 9. Manipulative interventions in the service offers are prohibited. These include, in particular, the use of software and mechanisms disturbing the service offers or procuring an unfair advantage over fellow players to the user. Among other things, the creation and/or use of hacks, mods, cheats, bots, data-mining tools and automated browser plugins shall be prohibited.

Excerpt from HeroZero Game Rule and Terms of Use.

Players who use such methods will end up being banned.
If you encounter a player who may be cheating or using a bot,
you can report them to the support team, who will investigate and take appropriate action.

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#5 jebaćhz



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Posted 21 July 2023 - 06:20 AM

And I would start from the other side, why do players use bots? Because this game is unplayable. It takes too much time out of your life. You constantly raise the bar and all the time without a bot you have to spend 10 h minimum to mean something, and sometimes it's still not enough, And trophies? Nowadays the team is useless, I would replace it maybe with clans that beat the bands and it would be git too. Clans could have a maximum of 50 people not giving any bonuses from xp, coins and stats just give the ability to attack the bands at random times, then the game itself would do attacks on the bands at random times. 

#6 meljer


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Posted 21 July 2023 - 01:56 PM

And I would start from the other side, why do players use bots? Because this game is unplayable. It takes too much time out of your life. You constantly raise the bar and all the time without a bot you have to spend 10 h minimum to mean something, and sometimes it's still not enough, And trophies? Nowadays the team is useless, I would replace it maybe with clans that beat the bands and it would be git too. Clans could have a maximum of 50 people not giving any bonuses from xp, coins and stats just give the ability to attack the bands at random times, then the game itself would do attacks on the bands at random times.


Some of your suggestions make sense, such as making teams larger and allowing more players in. However, I argue that implementing this on certain servers that are already dead would make it moot, as there may not be enough active players to keep the teams full.


Regarding energy, players receive 300 energy a day, which on average would last for about 5 hours unless you use batteries or watch TV to complete missions. Some players log in, start a mission, and then continue with their day.


Nevertheless, my advice is to post your constructive suggestions in the dedicated suggestion post so that they will be seen and cataloged appropriately. Thank you for sharing some of your suggestions.

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