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Extra fun during “Glorious Missions” Bonus Days!

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#1 meljer


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Posted 02 August 2022 - 12:12 AM

Hello heroes,
From 03/08/2022 to 08/08/2022, your heroic deeds in missions will be twice as fun, because during the “Glorious Missions” Bonus Days, all missions grant double coins as rewards!
The Gamble City Casino will also open to the heroes of Humphreydale once again - this time, with no daily play limit!
The icing on the cake is at the Donut Shop. You can buy Glorious Donut Boxes, where you not only get some extra delicious pastries, but also 14-Day League and Skill boosters. Get going, there’s no time to lose!


Best regards,
your Hero Zero Team.

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