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Mel's Complete HeroCon Guide!

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#1 meljer


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Posted 19 July 2022 - 04:32 AM

What is the weekly herocons you ask??!!??


The weekly HeroCon is a tournament that is done weekly by all the teams in the server,  You are scored as a team as well as individually.  the better you do the better prizes you obtain at the end of the tournament.  there are several different HeroCons (which we can discuss later) but they each have strategies to help you succeed.  


Where can i find the current HeroCon tournament information?


You can find the HeroCon icon in the team on the top right.












The HeroCons start at 12am EST on Friday and last all week.  You will get individual points as well as team points for participating.  If you are in the Top 5 you will get a reward.










You can find how well you are doing in the HeroCon by going to your team, and clicking on the corresponding HeroCon tab






This is a list of possible HeroCons and ones that have been retired.


points for every duel won 
1 point for every duel lost
Selling Items
1 point for each common item
3 points for each rare item
9 points for each epic item
 +3 points for each item with a golden frame
Combat Missions
3 points for every combat mission won
1 point for every combat mission lost
Villain Attacks
1 point for every attack made on a villain 
+5 points for every villain defeated
Special Missions
1 point for each special mission battle won.
New Sidekick Level
1 point for each newly reached companion level.
Item modifications
3 points for ordinary modification
10 points for rare modification
20 points for epic modification
Completed Missions
1 point for every mission completed
Consumed Energy Points
1 point for every energy point spent
Achieved Training Segments
1 point for each segment reached in the training
Fitness exercises in the trainings
1 point for every completed fitness exercise
Collected Glory in your Hero Hideout
1 point for each fame point collected in the hero's hideout
Energy point consumed during Time missions
1 point per energy consumed when completing time missions
Motivation Units  consumed during Training sessions
1 Point per MUs used 
Awards Earned
1 Point for every reward earned from missions
                                                Retired HeroCons
 Purchased Skill Points 
 Produce Fighting Robots 
 Collect special items 
If you have any suggestions for a new HeroCon please post a comment below, also pass your suggestions along, perhaps your ideas could go towards new ideas and fun.

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#2 meljer


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Posted 26 July 2022 - 01:57 AM

Each HeroCon has strategies that players have observed and passed along.  those strategies help the players prepare and achieve good standings in the HeroCon solo and Thus helping their team.


New Sidekick Level
1 point for each newly reached companion level.



The first HeroCon we will be going over is Leveling SideKicks.  This seems like a fairly straight foward HeroCon, as the main goal is to literally level your SideKicks.  but do you ever wonder how some players get alot of points straight away?  Below i will give you some ideas on how you can also be up with the rest, and doing your best.



first let me address one simple question; which is: What is a SideKick?


- A SideKick is your Hero's companion, the SideKick is unlocked at Level 60 and they come with their own abilities (which we will discuss later).  


on to leveling those companions of ours,  a good prep is to get those SideKicks to be about to level, but do not go over so that only a couple experience points will finish it off.


How is this Possible you ask?


when you do a mission you take the first 2 numbers of the experience you will get and double it, that will give you the amount of xp your Sidekick will get.  




In this picture you see that you will get (2,120 experience) upon sucessful completion of the mission.  therefore your Sidekick will get 42 experience.  (21+21).  


well how do i know how much my SideKick needs to level??


That is simple, simply hover over the SideKick status bar and it will tell you





Your goal is to get it to be less then 10 experience away from leveling, yes it can be tedious but it is possible, and the more you train up then the better off you are.






Prepare as many SideKicks as you can, and gather as many as you can so that once this HeroCon comes around you are prepared.


Disclaimer: i supply to you this wisdom of generations of other players as well as my own, i do not claim i know it all.  Also this is by no means reason to use this process against me or my team (erm...cough..erm..)


if anyone has any other tips for HeroCon SideKicks please list them in the comments section. thank you



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#3 meljer


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Posted 27 July 2022 - 02:16 AM

Hello Again??!!??  Tonight we will dive into the Villain HeroCon.  For the most part this HeroCon is straight forward.  you wait for the villain and then you hit the villain; however there is a few tips so that you can get the best out of each villain you fight.


Villain Attacks


1 point for every attack made on a villain 
5 points for every villain defeated


How?? you might ask.  


Well lets take a walk into a Villain attack during the corresponding HeroCon.







The week has started and to your Hero's excitement the goal is taking down those villains.  As stated above a fairly straight forward deed.  




You hover over the HeroCon icon and see the next 3 times that pesky fiend will be appearing and arm yourselves. making sure your missiles and proper SideKick is with you.



Finally you hear the bell and the Villain shows up!!!!!  GET READY TO FIGHT FOR JUSTICE!!





You travel to the location this villain is located and see the star which indicates it is the villain...






This is where you get choices.  If you are a pay to play hero, or have the donuts  you have the option to hit the villain 3 times for 1 donut.  once it is running you can use batteries and TVs to lower the time on your mission.


If you have all of your batteries open, and you utilize this properly you can get 30 hits in less then 5 minutes.





If you do not Pay to play or just do not have the donuts then you can hit the villain every couple minutes.  The main goal is for him to go down, Yet sometimes he escapes.  Band together and do your best to defeat him and earn yourself a extra 5 points!!


If you get at least 10 attacks then you will have a good chance to get extra energy and motivation units.  if you are ranked top 10 you might get a gold item and a SideKick (you can train for a SideKick HeroCon  ;) )



Disclaimer: i supply to you this wisdom of generations of other players as well as my own, i do not claim i know it all.  Also this is by no means reason to use this process against me or my team (erm...cough..erm..)
if anyone has any other tips for HeroCon Villains please list them in the comments section. thank you

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#4 meljer


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Posted 29 July 2022 - 01:04 AM

This HeroCon is awards earned.


What does that mean??!!??


It Means that on either fighting missions or timed missions there will be little awards that you can win.  




Here is the catch though, the HeroCon wants you to get the most you can possibly get; therefore it is in your best interest to do missions that are less then 5 energy to complete that have the reward.



Disclaimer: i supply to you this wisdom of generations of other players as well as my own, i do not claim i know it all.  Also this is by no means reason to use this process against me or my team (erm...cough..erm..)

if anyone has any other tips for HeroCon awards earned please list them in the comments section. thank you

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#5 meljer


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Posted 29 July 2022 - 01:22 AM

This HeroCon is all about the energy, and how much you are willing to spend. There are many ways people go about doing this HeroCon, each strategy gives the player more energy/less energy depending on how they prepare.


Consumed Energy Points


1 point for every energy point spent


A player gets only 300 energy a day correct??  Wrong!!


The first step is players (if they have the time) save the energy from the night before.  Thus giving them a decent head start


Next you will get your daily energy that is the first round plus 4 other rounds of 50 energy. Therefore you get 300 energy daily.  




--If your team has energy trophies then you will get more daily--




Next you will get energy from Villains, Team fights, seasons or even distress calls


Some places that players forget they have stored energy is in the hideout, deeds, vouchers and the sewing machine




Once you have gone through and done as much energy as you possibly can then you will be well on your way for doing well in this HeroCon, but tread lightly once you use those deeds then you can not use them next time.


Disclaimer: i supply to you this wisdom of generations of other players as well as my own, i do not claim i know it all.  Also this is by no means reason to use this process against me or my team (erm...cough..erm..)

if anyone has any other tips for HeroCon Energy spent please list them in the comments section. thank you

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#6 meljer


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Posted 29 July 2022 - 01:31 AM

In order to do well in this HeroCon you have to have some patience.  That being said it seems straight foward.  In This HeroCon you want to do as many missions as possible.


Completed Missions
  • 1 point for every mission completed


If you have the time then you will start out on the first area and do the missions that only cost up to 5 energy


Once they start getting to be more energy go to the next area and so on. Some PTP players will constantly refresh their lands so they get the best missions.


Remember that you start out with 300 energy a day at least.  




Doing missions that are under 5 energy will help you rack up the points, as stated in the missions HeroCon Tutorial there are ways to get more energy to prepare for this Herocon,


but beware once those extra energies are used you can not get them back.


Disclaimer: i supply to you this wisdom of generations of other players as well as my own, i do not claim i know it all.  Also this is by no means reason to use this process against me or my team (erm...cough..erm..)

if anyone has any other tips for HeroCon Energy Spent please list them in the comments section. thank you

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#7 meljer


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Posted 29 July 2022 - 02:53 AM

This HeroCon is Points earned for doing Fighting missions.


Fight Missions


3 points for every fight mission won
1 point for every fight mission lost


What is a fighting mission??


-- A fight mission is a mission that has a boxing glove on its star, thus indicating you will be fighting an opponent.




There are 3 types of fighting missions, and in this case you want to do the fighting missions you are likely going to win.


Some players look for the best experience regardless, but lets say during this one you throw that tactic out the metaphorical window then you will be looking for fight missions that are less then 5 energy and also green.


well what do i mean by green??


There are 3 levels of fight missions (Red, Yellow and Green)








Doing the green fight missions are the best way to win at the fight missions.  that and if you have a good sidekick.


SideKicks with Cheating Death are good for these missions as well as missles.



Well, what are missles??



Missles are an array of items that give you a boost, mainly located in the second hand shop for 1 donut.








Disclaimer: i supply to you this wisdom of generations of other players as well as my own, i do not claim i know it all.  Also this is by no means reason to use this process against me or my team (erm...cough..erm..)
if anyone has any other tips for HeroCon Fight Missions please list them in the comments section. thank you

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#8 meljer


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Posted 29 July 2022 - 03:38 AM

Special Missions are "Special" so they get their own section. they are located on the bottom of the game.







Special Missions
1 point for each special mission battle won.
The missions each have 10 levels and there are 9 types of special missions. There are also the hard missions once you complete the 10 normal levels.  
During the HeroCon these missions reset back to lvl 1 after 24hrs instead of the few days it normally takes if you have completed all 10lvls.  
These missions are completed easier if you have a SideKick with the skill "cheating death". 
Also if you are finding it hard to complete them you can also fight once in your birthday suit once you fail dress fully and try again. There is a decent chance you will win the 2nd time.
Disclaimer: i supply to you this wisdom of generations of other players as well as my own, i do not claim i know it all.  Also this is by no means reason to use this process against me or my team (erm...cough..erm..)
if anyone has any other tips for HeroCon Special Missions please list them in the comments section. thank you

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#9 meljer


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Posted 29 July 2022 - 04:00 AM

The Selling HeroCon is a lengthy one.  The main idea is to sell...sell...sell!!!!  and that means everything.


Some Places to get items to sell:


  • 2nd hand shop (you can refresh once free a day)
  • achievements
  • vouchers
  • distress calls
  • hideout
  • sewing machine
  • storage
  • casino
  • team gang fights



Selling Items

1 point for each common item
3 points for each rare item
9 points for each epic item
 +3 points for each item with a golden frame
If you are lucky you have more then one storage unit open






The more items you have to sell the more points you get. but remember once you sell them you will not get them back.  


you can also save them in your achievements or mail until you are ready to collect them for the HeroCon so that you do not take up room in your storages.


Disclaimer: i supply to you this wisdom of generations of other players as well as my own, i do not claim i know it all.  Also this is by no means reason to use this process against me or my team (erm...cough..erm..)
if anyone has any other tips for HeroCon Selling Items please list them in the comments section. thank you

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#10 meljer


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Posted 29 July 2022 - 04:14 AM







Item modifications

3 points for ordinary modification
10 points for rare modification
20 points for epic modification



In Order to do this HeroCon you will need the Modification room out in your hideout.  






Next you want to choose a modification to make. There are common, rare and epic items. You will get better options based on the levels averaged by the team, so in order to get better modifications your team needs to build up this room.




Once you Choose one start producing it.  


A strategy that some choose is to have one modification already made prior to the Herocon start. While others will refresh until they find a good modification to make


Either way you will want to create as many as possible, good luck!!


Disclaimer: i supply to you this wisdom of generations of other players as well as my own, i do not claim i know it all.  Also this is by no means reason to use this process against me or my team (erm...cough..erm..)

if anyone has any other tips for HeroCon Modifications please list them in the comments section. thank you

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#11 meljer


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Posted 10 August 2022 - 12:36 AM

This HeroCon is all about the Duels.  You gain points based on if you win the duel or lose it.


3 points for every duel won

1 point for every duel lost


This section will help you understand how to get duels you will win more often.  While to many this HeroCon seems to be one that PTP players payout on, there are ways you can help yourself get alot of points.


First and foremost this is the Duel list.  Here you will find a list of players you can attack.  




In order to know who is ok to hit so you will win, you will need to look for the green/red stats. To do this you will hover over the player and see where you stand against them






The other rule of thumb people use is that they go to the hero ranking list and hit low level players so that the outcome is more then likely a win.




Don't forget to put missiles on when you are doing harder duels and those will help you win.


You can do a duel every 10 minutes unless you opened up perks.


There is a room in the hideout that you should work on to help with the courage.





Also team trophies play a part also. 





At the end of the day this HeroCon is simple and you can easily win every fight. I wish you luck!



Disclaimer: i supply to you this wisdom of generations of other players as well as my own, i do not claim i know it all.  Also this is by no means reason to use this process against me or my team (erm...cough..erm..)

if anyone has any other tips for HeroCon Duels please list them in the comments section. thank you

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#12 meljer


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Posted 10 August 2022 - 01:29 AM

This HeroCon can be daunting, and if you have the Motivation Units (MUs) and the time then you will do well in this HeroCon.


For this HeroCon you need to complete training segments


-What is a segment??


A Segment is the 3 parts each training session has.




You start out with the time limit on the left. and 30 energy for the session.  each mission gives out a certain amount of points which fills the bottom meter







Once you achieve each segment you will earn your points.


Motivation Units can be found in missions, hero distress calls, achievements, sewing machine, hideout and other various hiding places such as the casino


You can get more segments done by doing training sessions that take the least amount of MUs.


The sessions can be completed every 10 minutes.


Disclaimer: i supply to you this wisdom of generations of other players as well as my own, i do not claim i know it all.  Also this is by no means reason to use this process against me or my team (erm...cough..erm..)

if anyone has any other tips for HeroCon Training segments please list them in the comments section. thank you


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#13 meljer


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Posted 10 August 2022 - 01:56 AM

This HeroCon is time consuming and daunting.  first and foremost you will need MUs, or motivation units.  


Places to find Motivation Units


1. Distress Calls

2. Achievements

3. Hideout Rewards

4. Missions

5. Deeds

6. Sewing Machine

7. Casino

8. Team Gang Fights


Your best bet is to find training sessions that cost the least amount of MUs, by doing so you can get more done; thus getting more points.







If you have the time you can do these sessions every 10minutes


Disclaimer: i supply to you this wisdom of generations of other players as well as my own, i do not claim i know it all.  Also this is by no means reason to use this process against me or my team (erm...cough..erm..)

if anyone has any other tips for HeroCon Fitness exercises in the trainings please list them in the comments section. thank you

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#14 meljer


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Posted 10 August 2022 - 02:16 AM

This HeroCon is time consuming and daunting.  first and foremost you will need MUs, or motivation units.  


Places to find Motivation Units


1. Distress Calls

2. Achievements

3. Hideout Rewards

4. Missions

5. Deeds

6. Sewing Machine

7. Casino

8. Team Gang Fights


Your best bet is to find training sessions that cost the least amount of MUs, by doing so you can get more done; thus getting more points.


You will need to use as much MUs as you can, this can be achieved by choosing the missions in the sessions that take the least amount of energy.  If you have the time you can sit and do 1 Energy at a time until the time runs out or you complete the session.


In this instance you can choose any training session the more energy used the better.




This one is tricky because your goal is to take a session that is long, and use the minimum amount of energy per mission to get the most points.


if you have the time and the patience then you can wait until you have 1 energy and keep doing it 1 at a time until each session is over. it is a daunting task but rewarding if you have the time








Remember that the cool down period in-between each session is 10 minutes


Disclaimer: i supply to you this wisdom of generations of other players as well as my own, i do not claim i know it all.  Also this is by no means reason to use this process against me or my team (erm...cough..erm..)

if anyone has any other tips for HeroCon  Motivation Units consumed during Training Sessions


 please list them in the comments section. thank you

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#15 meljer


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Posted 12 August 2022 - 12:53 AM

Collected Glory in your Hero Hideout
1 point for each fame point collected in the hero's hideout



This HeroCon is about earning Glory.


How do you find Glory??


- Well let me show you.


In order to get glory First you will need to know where the Hideout is and how to use it, which i can help you out later with, but for now the hideout is located on the bottom of the game and the icon looks like a cave




Once you opened this you will want to build up your hideout and understand what each room is good for.  They all have there specialties and reasons for building them.


The rooms you need right now are the Attack o bot factories and the attack robot warehouse as this will give you the robots you need to right players and steal their glory.




Once you have established these rooms and are prepared to fight you will need to locate how many robots you have and where the fighting icon is.




The fighting icon is located in-between your achievements and your attack o bot count.  as you see i have 87 or 308 bots to fight with.  each fight takes 1-27 bots depending on your strength and their defense base.


When you are ready click the icon and get ready to fight.




As you can see this person is not a good hit for me and i'd likely fail the fight, so i can freely refresh once. Or hit with one bot to refresh then wait 10 minutes for another free refresh.




AHH..See this one is better.  1 bot will take care of this person.  




As you see i won the fight and have gotten 18 glory.  which will add to the total for the HeroCon.  Many players will spend all day refreshing for the perfect fight, while others will just continuously make robots.  whichever is your preference just know this one is quite simple and you can rack up the points






Disclaimer: i supply to you this wisdom of generations of other players as well as my own, i do not claim i know it all.  Also this is by no means reason to use this process against me or my team (erm...cough..erm..)

if anyone has any other tips for HeroCon Glory please list them in the comments section. thank you

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#16 meljer


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Posted 12 August 2022 - 12:57 AM

Energy point consumed during Time missions
1 point per energy consumed when completing time missions




Time Missions are found by the alarm clocks on the stars.  they can be anywhere from 1 Energy to 25 Energy.  






Places Energy can be found:




Also you will get energy from Villains, Team fights, seasons or even distress calls


Disclaimer: i supply to you this wisdom of generations of other players as well as my own, i do not claim i know it all.  Also this is by no means reason to use this process against me or my team (erm...cough..erm..)

if anyone has any other tips for HeroCon Energy for Time Missions please list them in the comments section. thank you

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