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Ability to have sidekicks

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#1 SteveJohn



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Posted 13 September 2012 - 05:49 PM

I think a very awesome addition would be that everyone has the ability to choose one other player to be their sidekick. I'm not sure about the benefits of having one would be, so please leave your opinions in the topic box, thanks.

#2 caprica


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Posted 14 September 2012 - 08:02 AM

so not a pet-sidekick but a real player..
having some benefit from playing together with that player.... like.. a team?

so a duo option would have to do something different...

i saw a suggestion somewhere about a duo fight roster , in addition to team and pvp
which also feels kinda reduntant to me..

here's a random "different" idea for ya: "training play dates"
-play dates can only be arranged with heroes from other teams
- every player can initiate 1 play date ever 24h and set a time for the event (using the existing team fight schedule system)
- the invited player must accept the play date in time (like report for attack)
- the play date is a timer event for both (like villain is global), so both players actually have to do something
like click they're "show up for play date button" when it appears, other must do the same, or event is lost
could also be a mock mini villain, like a poor joker lookalike they construct from milk cartons and diry socks....
- if the date is successful, each
-get a free training unit for that day to spend as they wish (or 2 or 3)

so reward does give a real benefit, but not a huge one.
it rewards the ability to play and coordinate with other humans
it encourages cross-team interaction and diplomacies (I dont know if you're right for the team - but i'll be your playmate for today :D)
you could form relationships with people who might later become team members...
if you dont know anyone in the game, its a great way to begin interacting - everyone will need playmate invites

that, however, is where the idea breaks down... everyone would be swamped with playdate invites...
i like the idea of higher ups playing with noobs, but reducing pool of possible players would be necessary
so it could be "neighbors" - ppl of similar honor/level - like the duel list minus teammates...
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#3 SteveJohn



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Posted 14 September 2012 - 01:19 PM

I think the idea of a pet sidekick would actually be a great idea

#4 DaJamalam


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Posted 17 September 2012 - 10:14 PM

Maybe you could invite a friend who play as your side kick (giving them boosts and such) , untill they are level 10? That and idears around that would be good.

#5 Capernicus


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Posted 24 September 2012 - 08:31 PM

Ok so I think that if you limited the "playdate" options down to a specific level range below your level this would be quite successful and could benefit you and the other player you've pulled alongside you. I think that you should only be allowed to "playdate" someone that is 50 levels below you and no more than 60 levels below you. This would mean that no player below level 50 would be able to send an invite; so this would lessen the amount of invites that would be flying around dramatically.

I don't really see this as a PVP option although I think it could depending on how the skill tree that they are supposedly implementing works because the skill tree could offer different strategies that wouldn't be the same as they would be in team play.

If you agree with this like this and suggestions are always welcome.

Oh and im not a big fan of the phrase "playdate" but I can see how it could fit HZ
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#6 caprica


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Posted 24 September 2012 - 09:06 PM

sorry for sidestepping the thread topic. if the playdate issue continues, we need a new thread.
else: stick to sidekick topic.
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#7 Capernicus


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Posted 24 September 2012 - 11:15 PM

I think the idea is good enough to have its own thread but and I think that this thread will be viable once we see how the skill tree will affect the game. I think you should post it since it's your initial idea.

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