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Garage Interview #24 With Mahhafooznit

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#1 Astral


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Posted 03 June 2018 - 10:18 PM

Welcome everyone to this spring finale special interview. With our special guest, Mahhafooznit! 





Hey there Mahhafooznit, how is a hero spending his day in this beautiful spring (soon to be summer) day?


Listening to music, Playing Hero Zero on my cell phone, while hanging out with my neighbor. He was planting peppers in the garden. At least that’s how last night went. It is really nice outside lately.


Sounds like you're having fun! So, Mahhafooznit, I see that you're quite busy on Hero Zero. How many servers do you play in?


I play on US3. I tried another server, but I never really worked that character. If there is ever a US4. I will start a new character to compete on day one.


I see, so Mahhafooznit, I've said your name so many times already. What does your name mean? Where did it come from and why did you choose it?


I created this name a long time ago when I was playing Ultima Online. It carried over to World of Warcraft and then to here. I am pretty sure I remember thinking it sounded like the name of the King of the Balrogs would have. Those demon like creatures. People usually call me Fooz for short  :)


:O So, Fooz, If you're okay with me calling you Fooz. How did you find out about Hero Zero? Was it through a friend?


Lulean was playing it. Way back when she was on Swarm. She was bragging about doing the Honor Tournament and was in 3rd place. Her team was helping her try for 1st. Once I created a character, I never missed a day. I have only not finished all my energy about 4 times in 769 days playing. And yes. Call me Fooz. Thanks.


769 days, that sounds like a loooooong time. Did you expect to be one of the strongest players on the server when you first started in this game and how did you achieve that?


I just keep playing ketchup to the stronger characters. Eventually I will pass them. Being on a team with either energy or training trophies or both helps quite a bit. Doing special missions when they reset helps a lot. I have always focused on experience missions instead of coin missions. That is why I have a hard time going for the 300 million coins spent.


Speaking of missions, that is also a big debate in the Hero Zero community. What exactly are your opinions on that and why do you prefer experience over coins?


A lot of teams want you to be strong for your level. So, they pick coin missions to buy stats and slowly level up. I have no problem with being weak for my level but still be 15-20 levels higher than the person who focuses on coin missions. I would still be stronger then that person at their level; even though they are strong for their level.  And what is the debate? I think I missed it.


You know, some people prefer going for the coin missions rather than the experience missions and I think that has sparked some debates here and there between players in general but thanks for your thoughts on this subject. Let's continue with some details about your preferences in the game. What would you say is your favorite sidekick in the game and why? Do you maybe have any favorite items?



I named my favorite character DuelSpec. To make it easy to remember to put him on for dueling. He has Sharp Beak, Strength of Two and Bone Cracker. Because he has those skills and I have quite a bit of Strength and Brain. I get to critically hit for high numbers and make people miss their turns. I think of it as the Mike Tyson approach to dueling and league fighting. I really like my clown outfit. The Pennywise look suits me.




I love those abilities too! They look strong! Let's move to your team, Fooz. You have a very successful and strong team. What is the key to keeping such a strong and powerful team in your opinion?


The main thing is to avoid the drama. If people act negatively, then you will not want to play. Everyone on my team knows the importance of leveling the workshop because I tell them quite often. Everyone on my team seems to play the whole game. Everything from Hideout to leveling to training to Herocon. My team makes it easy for me to lead since everyone does what they need to and that makes us successful.




By being a leader and by playing for 769 days, I bet you've made a lot of friends and met a lot of new people in Hero Zero. Are there any that have really impacted you or supported you in tough times? Would you like to give them a shoutout?


I got most of the coolest people to join my team; Dysfunctional Family. Lulean rocks. Rugburns levels slowly but has really cool stories. Clameater, LongHairedPisces, Sparky1 and Zuzak are really powerful and compete well in League. Heck all 30 people on my team including myself are awesome. So I will name a few people who are not on my team that are also cool people. Joanofarc, Fido, Meljer and Dingelberry are all interesting to chat with. OH. from your team. Angelo1 is cool. Talked a lot when Honor Tournament was around and MightyMarie left my team to join Llamas main team.




Sounds like you're making a lot of friends here, glad to see such great friendships being created through this game. Let us jump over to the real world and exit the world of Hero Zero for a second. Let's talk about your real life. Do you have any hobbies that you would like to share? Any pets? What do you do for a living? Anything else you would like to share about your life? Any cool upcoming plans for the summer?


For work. I work at a call center for emergency roadside assistance. I am a supervisor that deals with finding help in challenging areas or help find solutions when problems come up. Hobbies, I watch a lot of TV shows. Lucifer is an awesome TV show. Hope someone picks it up or renews the show. Game of Thrones is a very exciting show. I hang out with my neighbor quite a bit for some beers and bonfires. He is quite a good cook. My last roommate had a cat. I think it liked me more than her.  :) I just got back from vacation and seeing my parents. This summer will be relaxing at the house and trying to grow tomatoes. Tonight there is supposed to be a thunder storm. I like to watch the show.


Sounds like a tought job, I wish you the best of luck and continued success! I love watching thunder storms too! To top this spring special interview off, I have one last question... What is your favorite color?


Blue. Thanks for chatting with me. You are amazing.


Thank you for taking time off your schedule to do this interview with me, Mahhafooznit and I wish you continued success in your journey as a hero. Au revoir!


Hope you do well yourself. Keep up the great work.


Thank you everyone for reading this interview. I hope everyone has a beautiful summer with lots of fun times filled with joy!



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#2 lulean


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Posted 03 June 2018 - 11:20 PM

You rock too fooz!!! :)
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#3 Dwerp


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Posted 04 June 2018 - 02:57 AM

Great interview. Thanks for sharing!
  • FaithfulAizen, LevelHunter and Astral like this


#4 Ansane


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Posted 05 June 2018 - 07:07 PM

Scary outfit  o.O

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