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noob needs info please

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#1 lostnoob


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Posted 05 May 2018 - 12:41 AM

Hi guys ! New to this game and need info about 1 > what does washing machine do ? please explain simple style , am not  a pro gamer like you guys ! 2 > what does swingmachine do ... simple explanation please . 3 > I made work robot room in my hideout , , so is it working ? what does it do ? shall I buy a working robot or the room will help me somehow ? 4 > I made a defenecroom and put it in storage , how do I get it back ? I know my questions sound moronic to you guys , but am new and dont know nothing  . Thank you for helping me out !

#2 Lacatus


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Posted 05 May 2018 - 05:31 AM

1. Washing machine change attributes of you items. Drag an item there and press "wash". Ex.: A mask with 100str 150stamina can be after washing with 50brain 50str and 150intuition.
2. Swingmachine only change the appearance of an item. Just visual effects.
3. Work robot room help your future upgrades or builds to finish faster. Just upgrade this work robot and your buildings will be ready faster
4. If you have an empty room (for defence u need 2 spaces) u can click on that empty rooms and all your storage will be displayed. U can choose now what room to be restored.
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#3 lostnoob


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Posted 05 May 2018 - 01:42 PM

I can never thank you enough for helping me , and if I may , I would like to ask for more info please . Washing machine changes my ats randomly or I can chose which ats gets points ? I mean if it is random I would very well get some very unpleasant changes , right ? Swingmachine seems like a total waste , cuz all it does is changing skin , and seems like not giving any advantages for PvP or PvE , so it aint my cup of tea , unless having matching sets makes a difference ? Can I get in and outa teams for free or leaving a team requests some kinda payment ? And would system tell players a vilian has appeared , and does killing it request a team or can a player solo it ? I know I ask a lot of noob questions so once again I thank you in advance for helping me out :D

#4 leapinglizard


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Posted 06 May 2018 - 04:29 AM

Washing machine is random and it is free once a day after that it costs a donut

Sewing machine theres no advantage to sets made there unless you want a certain look. It's never free although a lot of patterns are only coins and there are seeds attached to each of these

Leaving a team is free but you don't want to get the reputation of being a team jumper, loyalty matters in herozero as friendship is the key thing in it being a fun game. Also you will lose your team bonuses if you are not on a team

Villains can be attacked solo so no worries there.

Enjoy the game
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#5 lostnoob


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Posted 06 May 2018 - 06:04 AM

Leapinglizard thank you very much for heads up ! So washing machine is a risk , and swing machine is just for skins , ... not my cup of tea , not by a long shot . Well then I will sell all iteam to get a gauranteed result , namely cash :D .As for the team , I will not join for a very long time till I undrestand this game better . Just one question about villains is bothering me still , how do I know if a villian has come to my zone ? System will inform me or there will be subtle changes in the zone appearance , or .... ? Once again thank you very much for helping me out . much respect !

#6 leapinglizard


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Posted 06 May 2018 - 12:04 PM

It pops up and you click to go to the area
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#7 lostnoob


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Posted 06 May 2018 - 02:06 PM

It pops up ...... where ? in system message right on top of the screen ? And I can use outopath or I just click away to zone ? And oh yeah , Hats off to you Mister for being so helpful . I can never thank you enough !!!

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#8 leapinglizard


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Posted 06 May 2018 - 02:26 PM

Right on the screen
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#9 lostnoob


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Posted 07 May 2018 - 07:49 AM

Thank you Leapinglizard , I will keep an eye for it . Thank you very much for information !

#10 lostnoob


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Posted 09 May 2018 - 01:08 PM

Why I can not add rooms in my hero hideout . I see many players having more than 2 floors in their hideout , so what can not have more than 2 floors ????

#11 Kingie


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Posted 09 May 2018 - 02:26 PM

It's such an easy game. Can't believe u have so many questions...


But they say there are no stupid questions only stupid answers. So herewith I: :X

Edited by Kingie, 09 May 2018 - 02:27 PM.

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#12 Maniac


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Posted 09 May 2018 - 03:22 PM

Why I can not add rooms in my hero hideout . I see many players having more than 2 floors in their hideout , so what can not have more than 2 floors ????


Your hideout base is only level 6. You need to keep expanding your hideout base level. This might take a long time because you a lot of coins I believe.


Please keep in mind that a lot of players have been building their hideouts for years. You cannot expect to build quickly. Patience is required.


You should try to join a team soon. This will help you gain coins more quickly and help you expand faster.

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#13 chumak


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Posted 10 May 2018 - 06:06 AM

HO just came up January 2017, mate ;) Nowhere near "years" ;)

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#14 lostnoob


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Posted 10 May 2018 - 11:54 AM

Thank you very much Kingie for your ultra informatic reply . Maniac I can never thank you enough for your priceless help , hats off to you !!! Chumack than you for your reply .

#15 lostnoob


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Posted 13 May 2018 - 10:52 AM

Lacatus <----- I never thank you for your useful information , and I am so sorry about it . Was not intentional , just being moronic me , hope this will clarify it . Much respect !!!

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