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Garage Interview #18 with Priscilla

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#1 LevelHunter


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Posted 13 July 2017 - 06:49 PM

Hello community. Today's topic in our stinky garage is Priscilla. We really appreciate to have a famous player like you here. During our interview don't breathe too often otherwise you possibly get sick.   (zombie) 


Hi, how are you? Can you give us your username and the servers where you are playing?

Hi, my name is Priscilla and I play on us3.




Do you want to talk a little bit about yourself, about the life when you are not working as a hero? 


I live in Florida and am currently working on getting a kidney transplant.


Good luck with that! When did you start to play Hero Zero?


Well I was here at the beginning of us3.  But I actually started a few months earlier on us2.


How did you start playing Hero Zero? Through friends? Publicity?

I found a link to Hero Zero on a gaming site.


Do you still remind the first days as a “noob” in Hero Zero?


I made so many mistakes as a noob!  I was smart when I reached out to a level 300 player to get some tips. It really helped.


What do you like the most in the game?


I like the friendships. I also love working on strategies with my team.


Do you have particular goals to achieve in the game?

Probably to keep advancing in the hideout. And to help my team in the HeroCon.


In your opinion, what was your greatest achievement in HZ so far?


My greatest achievement was holding all of the number one spots on the server all at the same time. All without being fully expanded.


Great achievement. Hero Zero creates friendships. Have you created any kind of friendship with another player? Who and how?


There are lots of people on my team that I enjoy.  I'll give a shout out to Lionheart and to ShockWave. Two awesome guys.


Who's your favorite Hero? Why? (e.g. Batman, Super-Man)


Have you seen the new Wonder Woman movie?? She rocks!

No, I haven't seen this movie, but with your recommendation I'm going to watch it for sure. Which are your tips for beginners?

Ok tips for beginners: Start off doing missions that favor experience until you get your missiles and sidekick. Then switch to missions that favor coins so you can build your strength.


Describe HZ in 3 words.

Looney, fun, looney


Is there any player you look up to, that you admire? And if so, who is it and why?

I look up to players who have a good mind for the game, while staying sane.  That award goes to LionHeart. He has never spoken ill of anyone.  But talk game strategy with him and you realize he is sharp.


Name up to three players next to the following descriptions:

- Best players (exclusively based on their ability as players, not their personality etc.):


ShockWave, PolSol, LionHeart


- Opponents you respect the most:


WindWalker, Dingelberry, Viv


- Favorite forum members (if you are following the forum):


Mons, Centella, LeapingLizard


Is there any special moment in your career as a hero you would like to share with us?

My favorite time was the start of the us3 server.  That by far was the most fun.  The press and the strategies were exciting.


You are one of the top players of Hero Zero. What is the secret of your success? 

This may sound simplistic, but my greatest strategy is to be kind to everyone.  And don't try to do everything yourself. 


Would you like to send a message to the community of Hero Zero?


My message to the HeroZero community is that I have enjoyed playing with you. I wish all of you health and happiness. 


How does it feel to be an advisor of one of the best teams in the entire server? Is it an easy task? 


It is humbling to lead a top team.  You are only as good as your players.  It is a constant battle of strategies to stay on top.  People will either love you or hate you just because you are number 1.




What is the most strange, funny or in your opinion the best name you have named a pet (and why?!) ?

I like MrFreezeBalls. That's me being cheeky. 


Have you ever won a weekly tournament? In what category? Was it worth the effort?


I have won weekly tournaments in all of the categories.  Sometimes it is worth it. Sometimes it isn't. Sometimes the fight is over other things besides the donuts.


Do you have a hobby you want to share with us?


So here is my truth.  I am too busy for hobbies!  But I plan on taking up something new this year. 


What is your nickname in the game? Why choose this for your hero?


I'm Priscilla. People give me stupid nicknames like Pris, Prissy, or Zilla.  I chose the name Priscilla because I wanted the stupidest name for a super hero.


What's your favorite sidekick ?


Frosty is my favorite sidekick.


What is yout favorite items?

Camo Suit of the Party Tent.


What is your favorite sidekick's capacity/skill ?

I love "snow avalanche" for the sidekick skill.


What is the first thing are you doing when you connect on the game ? Why ?


The first thing I do is check my mail.  In case something important happened while I was gone.

What do you like the most in the hideout?


In the hideout, I love the coins that I gain.  I'm all about the coins.


Thanks for your time Priscilla. This is LevelHunter, signing off.

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#2 FaithfulAizen


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Posted 13 July 2017 - 07:22 PM

Whoo I loved it Littleone  (inlove)  (inlove)  (inlove)  (heart)  (heart)  (heart)

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Aizen is the best

(inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove)

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#3 Astral


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Posted 13 July 2017 - 10:44 PM

Yasssssssss, amazing interview  (inlove)  (y)

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(lol)~Astral is amazing~ (lol)

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#4 Lucci


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Posted 14 July 2017 - 12:53 AM

Good stuff!  (grin)

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#5 Dingelberry


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Posted 18 July 2017 - 03:44 AM

Good interview of one of the most respected players on this server !!!

Wish u the best with finding a transplant and great health!!

God bless 

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#6 LittleOne


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Posted 18 July 2017 - 11:31 AM

Thank you guys for the kind words. (heart) 

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#7 Mons


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Posted 19 July 2017 - 03:15 PM

Excellent interview.  The best I have read, and no I am not biased. :)

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#8 KaraokeVox



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Posted 12 August 2017 - 03:58 AM

My favorite question is about the nickname:


Priscilla "The stupidest name for a hero"  


(think)  (y)  :D

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#9 LittleOne


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Posted 05 September 2017 - 07:00 PM

Ok i do have to give a shout out to one of my favorite opponents that i accidentally left out.  Meljer/Operationtredwings---how could i ever forget YOU.  And yes----here i was yelling at you about buying donuts---give me a month and i was doing the same thing.....go figure.

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