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Poll: Tournaments (53 member(s) have cast votes)


  1. Yes, I the rewards are correct! (35 votes [66.04%])

    Percentage of vote: 66.04%

  2. No, it is too much donuts! (2 votes [3.77%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.77%

  3. Some need to be changed, leave a comment. (16 votes [30.19%])

    Percentage of vote: 30.19%


#21 djsirgo



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Posted 24 April 2013 - 02:43 PM

how do I get into the tournament?

#22 UDareUTake


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Posted 24 April 2013 - 03:04 PM

how do I get into the tournament?


Its currently taken offline for some tweaks and changes, so you wont be able to participate in it until they put it back into the game

#23 Janeata



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Posted 20 May 2013 - 02:34 PM

I'm not sure what a tournament is because I started playing after the feature was taken down. I do know how frustrating it is to have the heroic deed undone, on my list, time after time. It would be nice to have that item taken off completely. If you think about it everyone will need to 'compete in a tournament' after it is resurrected... that is, IF it will still be resurrected....???

#24 mogiks


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 06:33 PM

I'm not sure what a tournament is because I started playing after the feature was taken down. I do know how frustrating it is to have the heroic deed undone, on my list, time after time. It would be nice to have that item taken off completely. If you think about it everyone will need to 'compete in a tournament' after it is resurrected... that is, IF it will still be resurrected....???


It will be coming back. They said it might be back in the update on 14th May, it wasn't but perhaps we will see it return on the 28th.

#25 makakas



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Posted 30 September 2013 - 02:41 PM

its fantastic :D  :P  :)  ;)  :wub:  :ph34r: 

#26 jbbill1



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Posted 25 November 2013 - 05:53 PM

maybe to all the people other than the ones included give one donut to 100+ people coz give them some rewardor if the person is 101 that would make him envious

#27 AdR3119



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Posted 16 December 2013 - 09:19 PM

I think 11-100 place on team honor needs donuts.Players can win donuts on other ways,but teams only if they buy it.So,I think pull out 5 donuts at 11-100 place on hero player,and put on Team.




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Posted 28 December 2013 - 10:37 AM

Hello Heros!

As we have previously announced, we want to adjust the tournament system.


This time, before we introduce the changes we want to hear your opinion on the planned rewards.


Please participate in our survey, and leave your feedback!

Thank you!


For this week my team (Fear of the Dark) now it is in Weekly Tournouament in Team Honor third with +8340 honor!!

#29 Born Legacy

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Posted 10 April 2014 - 10:16 AM

well, the tournament's reward mostly benefit the top players so lower players like lvl 100+ don't really stand a chance, I think we can elaborate on awesomeOH's suggestion and mabe we have 2 separate tournaments to be fair to the lower levels

#30 prodigyk



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Posted 17 April 2014 - 07:37 PM

por curiosidad esto se aplicara en todos los server o solo en el us1


#31 SuperGalihh



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Posted 27 May 2014 - 04:36 AM


I'm agree, but can you change "Weekly Tournament Team Honor" to be Rank 11 - 100 get 10 donuts?

#32 A T R


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Posted 06 July 2014 - 02:34 PM

The system needs adjusted. As of the moment it remains to easy for the system to be abused.

#33 Mahhafooznit


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Posted 08 October 2016 - 08:44 AM

If you wish to add a different aspect to the weekly tournament that is not based on high level people having a better chance of winning. Add a scavenger hunt type weekly tournament. On all won duels there is a chance to have a specific item dropped such as medallions or eggs. The person that collects the most eggs wins. Do the whole 1,2,3,11-100 placing thing. Make the reward part of a unique set that rotates weekly. Ie 10 different sets thus you choose when you want to invest the time to try to fight many many duels. 


If you want to make 3 separate aspects. You can also so on all highest coin missions and all highest experience missions there is a chance to drop the medallions or eggs also. And make it highest for the zones you currently have access to. It would reward people that use heroic sense but also reward people that take the time to wisely choose their missions.


Keep the honor tournament the way it is but give outlets for other things to win. 

#34 centella


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Posted 08 October 2016 - 05:07 PM

on a post I wrote a few days ago,I suggested giving 10 donuts to individuals who finished 11th to 20th (or 25th ) so that more people will be encouraged to go for it


many Wednesdays I see people who are 13th or 14th and FAR behind one who is 10th, thus they give up, they just coast enough to make sure they top 100 ( many who were mid week 14th, by end of week they are in the 20s or 30s position wise if not lower ... one week the one in 15th place Wednesday ended up being 60 something and getting same amount of donuts as if he had fought to be 12th or 13th place  as there was little chance he could fight for 10th )





A noble man aspires to be better today than yesterday, a mean man is never happy unless he is better than anyone else.


Bring back Honor Tournament with these changes http://forum.us.hero...nor-tournament/

#35 zarkhan



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Posted 26 October 2016 - 03:33 AM

well if you finich in top 100 in 2 category you get 10 donut a week wow


that's not good for all the work, i mean for me i can't buy donut and i'm in competition again donut muncher


i would like that if you don't give extra donut well you could set all account that dint spend money with a better % to getting item

and account that spend lower them so they will spend more money to get what they want


that's the idea

#36 Mahhafooznit


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Posted 02 November 2016 - 08:11 AM

Donuts are a good reward. They should also add +Stat points as a secondary reward. This would make it have more people want to do the grind of the honor tournament. IE 1st place would be 75 donuts and +25 stats points as a reward, 2nd place would be 60 donuts plus 20 stats as a reward, 3rd place would be 40 donuts plus 15 stats, 4-10 would be 20 donuts plus 10 stats, 11-100 would be 5 donuts plus 5 stats.


I would also say have the 11-50 ranking have a 1% chance to drop a sidekick as a reward as this would allow them to get stronger to be able to compete better and make people want to stay in the higher area of the 11-50 ranking for the chance at reward.


This would make all the teams want to work together to try to help their team mates win stat points to make them stronger. 

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#37 centella


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Posted 02 November 2016 - 05:49 PM

in paper, sounds EXCELLENT


but I can easily see ( and I am speaking as part of the top group of teams in US3 ) as STATS is a super valuable commodity ( as shown by how important train trophy is even today with a higher handicap in team fights )


Dark wing easily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can use either a 2 week or 3 week system


where  members 1, 2 and 3 can gain over 100K honors to get the top 3 positions while members 4, 5, and 6 can lose more than 100K honor that week just by ping pong with each other and than week 2 trade places, and thus the stronger become EVEN MORE STRONGER


(or have  1 week members 1, 2, 3 win, 4,5,6 lose and 7,8,9 support, than week 2 4,5,6 win, 7,8,9 lose and 1,2,3 support and so on with even more members of stronger team become even more stronger than the rest




people will ask for same rewards in the experience contest





A noble man aspires to be better today than yesterday, a mean man is never happy unless he is better than anyone else.


Bring back Honor Tournament with these changes http://forum.us.hero...nor-tournament/

#38 spunone



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Posted 05 September 2017 - 06:53 AM

In my opinion i dont see any logical way to have a tournament that wont end up with having teams trying to help their team members. I mean seriously isnt that the whole reason behind a team. A group of players that have joined forces in a combined effort to help each other benefit in game play. At least i thought that was the whole point of joining or even creating a team.


So despite whatever rewards or incentives offered at the end of the tournament teamwork will always play a factor. Be it helping a team member or trying to hinder another teams member. And the same would go for any other type of tournament that focuses on any aspect other than missions (like the exp tournament). And even that tourney is flawed. Due to the guaranteed one time top 3 finish if you save and complete the 100 million deed all at once. But once you do that if a higher level player its hard to get exp missions that change or increase. You get stuck at a constant.


I agree with mahafooznit as far as the scavenger type tourney. Could make it a team tourney like the heroic ones where everyone finds the items all week long. However instead of showing each teams progress through the week keep the progress unknown until the end then tally up the results and reveal the placement of the teams. that way you can eliminate teams trying to control or buy the outcome. And you could even branch off that to an individuals tournament by ranking top 100  scavengers. 


That would keep players interested and playing. And help keep things a bit fairer. Because right now with the tournies the way they are are were thats impossible. And will continue to remain that way.

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                                                     (donut)  (donut)  Spunone  (donut)  (donut) 


#39 Phnyx


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Posted 05 September 2017 - 08:35 PM

I'm quickly losing interest in this game because of the league situation.. I'm over it. And, spun.... You know how much this game means to me and how much I love our team. I don't want to be so angry about this, but how can a person who SPENDS REAL MONEY, not be..?? HZ screwed up big time and in the process we the players are being screwed with no lube!

(y) (smoke)  (smoke)  (smoke) (y) 

#40 Lacatus


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Posted 05 September 2017 - 11:37 PM

I'm quickly losing interest in this game because of the league situation.. I'm over it. And, spun.... You know how much this game means to me and how much I love our team. I don't want to be so angry about this, but how can a person who SPENDS REAL MONEY, not be..?? HZ screwed up big time and in the process we the players are being screwed with no lube!

I don't know how much u love this game but I just create special a char on your server to check yours and results r catastrophic. You r a rly bad player. U play since 3 years and u r lvl 268 (this can be done in few months), u did 2500 trainings!!( 10/day if your team doesn't has trophies >=10.000 with rewards from deeds and villain), u r not collected coins (so not only xp but no coins for u) u spend only 4.000.000! You have a bad setup for your skill points(low str is very bad in duels). And I can continue with many others...so u r complain that u can not win duels..come on!! With your stats and your achievements is normal!

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