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Garage Interview #11 With Dingelberry

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#1 King of Thieves

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Posted 06 September 2015 - 01:56 AM

King of Thieves:

Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to another episode of Garage Interviews Live! I'm your host, King of Thieves, here today with a special guest, and a long time hero we all know. Everyone please give a warm round of applause for the prolific Dingleberry!


(Loud Applause) 



Welcome to the show Dingleberry!



Thanks for having me.


King of Thieves:

Thank you for stopping by. I know your schedule is usually very full, so we appreciate your being able to take time out of your busy schedule to join us.


Can you tell us what servers you currently fight crime on?



I actually play on all 3 US servers! Started on US 2 to fight crime like 2 years ago


King of Thieves:

2 years? Wow! That's a long time! I imagine you've met a lot of people along the way.


Can you tell us about some of the friendships you've developed over those 2 years?



Yes, that is what I like about this game... you meet people from all over the world! Some of them are friends on social media websites. too! lol


King of Thieves:

Yes, I know what you mean. When you have around 30 members on just your team alone, it's hard not to get to know some of them. Believe me, I've tried.  :D


Can you tell us about some of the ones you've gotten to know that you particularly admire?



Hmmmm, I have gotten to know a few on my team on US3, and it's just, like, you know them forever, talk about everything, care about them like its your own family! We have so many different characters on there, it is just fun.


King of Thieves:

I know what you mean. With 30 spots on a team, personalities are varied beyond belief,...... except on that Multiple Man's team....... Talk about clone city!


So, what do you like to do when you're not fighting crime? Any hobbies? Favorite places to go? Perhaps a special lady friend? Maybe some kids?



Well besides work, I do spend a lot of time with my daughter and my little boy (terrible 2s... fun).  (lol) We do like to hang out by the pool in the summer, and the beach as well.


King of Thieves:

Ah yes. The terrible 2's. I feel your pain. My dad used to tell me insanity is hereditary. You catch it from your kids.



I think that's where I got all my grey hair from! haha


King of Thieves:

LOL. Yes, I started naming mine. They are all named after my son.


We need to take a short commercial break for our sponsors, but stay tuned. We'll be right back, with more from the illustrious Dingelberry!



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King of Thieves:

Welcome back, everyone. We're here with the leader of Silver Knights, Dingelberry! Give it up, everyone!
(Loud applause) 


Dingelberry, as veteran players, we often take newer players under our wings. Do you have any special advice for newer players? Anything that could serve to make them better heroes, or in some cases, maybe even villains?  ;)



Hero or Villain, just make sure to do all your training every day. Yes, it sounds boring, but it is very important and also use your coin wisely and buy skill points!


King of Thieves:

Yes, that's good advice. Growth is definitely the key to victory.


Speaking of new players, can you tell us any fun or humorous stories from when you 1st started as a hero? Any good anecdotes that stand out in your mind?



Well, I only know that when I started, I had no idea what I was doing! I don't know what questions I asked but I'm pretty sure some of them were pretty stupid! Lol! Good thing I had Veteran players who were very patient, and they sure helped me a lot! So, to me there is nothing like a stupid question anymore. My team mates can ask whatever they want and if I don't have the answer I am sure someone on the team does! Sometimes I do get mail from players on other teams too, and I am more than happy to help them!


King of Thieves:

No mail bombs or anthrax I hope.  :P I know how those can be. I get them all the time!  :D


Can you tell us more about your teams? I see you recently got promoted to leader on one of them.



On US1 I play for team Wolfgang (Hello, Jeffrey) and I am advisor there! On US2, I play for the mighty Silver Knights, and yes, they took me in and made me their leader after seeing what success we have had on US3!




King of Thieves:

You can't argue with success! My family's still arguing with me though. Mostly over when I'm going to be successful.....  :S


Speaking of successes, can you tell us about your greatest achievement in HZ?



Well, the biggest success so far is that we currently hold 3rd in the team rankings on US3. I couldn't have done it without those awesome team mates. Personally, I set myself different goals each week, like this week I am planning to go for top 10 in honor on each server! I do set myself different goals every week like reaching 100k in honor and, and, and......


the next one would be reaching 100 Million in coins, but I might be not patient enough for that! hah!


King of Thieves:

I know what you mean. Money burns a hole in my pockets too. Brings new meaning to pants on fire.

That actually answers my next question about any future goals. So we can throw that note card away. Thanks for that. You're making my job harder. You can forget about that all you can eat buffet I offered to take you too after the show.


Let's see here...... What do you like most about crime fighting in Humphreydale?



That would be wearing a tight spandex suit.....Ooops. Did I say that out loud??? lol. No. It is most likely the people I play with, the fun chat we have, and also I do like to eat donuts. Lots of them! lol


King of Thieves:

Yes. Mmmmm.....Donuts..... Sorry. Was having a Homer moment.


Are there any team mates or other players you especially admire? If so, why is that?



Yes! I admire our Australian Super Hero Viv. She is just a lovely person to talk to. Grub is one of them as well. He's a super funny dude who likes Britney Spears. KateTheKilla, RockingJane, Matt4 for the knucklehead he is .....Too many to name. Everyone is just amazing in a different way.




King of Thieves:

As you know, there's a fairly new aspect to heroism in Humphreydale called League. Tell us, is there anything in particular you like about this new experience?



Well, I do like league, but i think it has room to improve! After you reach champion status there is actually not a lot to do anymore! So, I hope there will be a weekly tournament for league or something like that in the future, to mix things up a little bit


King of Thieves:

I feel your pain. You stated that you are in Champion League already. Do you have any tips or tricks, for our viewers who haven't reached that level yet, on how to climb that ladder?



Well, if you are lower level, it can be tough to get up to champions! So, my advice is that, if you come across a team mate, ask him or her, nicely, if they could give you a win! I do that with my team mates as well. If you get me in league, hit me up and I am happy to help! It just takes time. So be patient if you are a new player! Rewards can be pretty decent too! So don't get to frustrated.


King of Thieves:

Yes. That seems to be a regular strategy of most. Have those with extra points to spare, let you catch them with their pants down..... literally.... Kinda creepy actually.


"Can you help me out with some league points?"


"Can you take your clothes off first?"

"Uh..... I don't really like you like that......"



Ha ha! That's exactly how it works! Could you please undress for me?? Well... buy me at least a drink first . Geez!



King of Thieves:

:D As one of the more well known and successful heroes around, can you tell our viewers who might wish to emulate you, what is the secret to your success?



Fun. Have fun. That is the #1 thing!  Also, take your time to build your little guy or girl! Sure, there will be a point where you get bored. So set yourself new goals every week! I do that lately and I have more fun than I had before! It keeps the game more interesting!


King of Thieves:

Speaking of goals, many heroes long to be in a top ten team. How does it feel being the leader of a top team? Is it an easy task?



It can be frustrating at times, but it is a fun task to run a team with such awesome, dedicated players! I am actually honored to call myself leader of 2 great teams on those servers!


King of Thieves:

I can't imagine. I have a hard enough time just keeping one group of hoodlums in line. You know who you are..... 


If you don't mind, can you name up to three players next to the following descriptions? Best players, opponents you respect the most, and favorite forum members.



Excrucio is probably one of the strongest I have come across, in my time as a Hero. Kristat is a great hero on all 3 servers.


Respect the most.....Hmmmm..............


That's a good one.


Ok....... Respect the most......  I'd have to say TunaDark.


Forums..........  That would be Priscilla. She is funny.


King of Thieves:

Well, we're just about out of time. We have just enough for one final question. Can you describe HZ in just 3 words?



Absolutely awesome fun!


King of Thieves:

I absolutely agree with you. That's awesome. Well, this was a really fun interview. Please come back and visit us sometime.



Again, thank you for having me. Time to put my spandex back on and save the world!


King of Thieves:

Thanks again for joining us. I'll let you get back to fighting villains and bad guys. Besides, I'm sure I've stalled you long enough for my team to pull off that bank heist and make their get away, by now. Up, up and away! And there he goes, folks! Everyone give a round of applause to our guest, Dingleberry!


(Loud Applause)


Join us next month for another edition of Garage Interviews Live. Same bat time. Same bat channel! You all have a good night. Until next time, this is King of Thieves, signing off.



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#2 Windwalker1971


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Posted 06 September 2015 - 01:58 PM

Well done! Another great interview....

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#3 SpireLink



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Posted 06 September 2015 - 10:32 PM

Well done DB, great interview, thoughtful answers and good advice to new players. 

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#4 KatetheKilla



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Posted 08 September 2015 - 12:35 AM

Great interview DB! Thanks for mentioning me!!.  ;)

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#5 Dingelberry


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Posted 08 September 2015 - 01:46 AM

You are welcome!I met so many people by playing on all 3 servers and i could have mentioned all of u but not enough time and space available!

So all of my team mates on all 3 servers rock!

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#6 Relentless


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Posted 08 September 2015 - 12:44 PM

Another great interview. Congrats Dingelberry!

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Relentless SHC

#7 LittleOne


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Posted 10 September 2015 - 08:37 PM

Nice Interview.....especially since there were no self portraits.......just sayin  :P 

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#8 King of Thieves

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Posted 10 September 2015 - 08:57 PM

Nice Interview.....especially since there were no self portraits.......just sayin  :P


Sure there is! Right at the bottom. Our producers require it. :P Trust me, I tried to go incognito. I don't want the FBY finding me after all. But it's unfortunately in my contract.

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#9 FaithfulAizen


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Posted 10 September 2015 - 09:20 PM

do you mean FBI?

Aizen is the best

(inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove)

(smug) brb gotta do dishes (smug)

#10 King of Thieves

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Posted 10 September 2015 - 09:35 PM

No. I mean the FBY. Federal Bureau of Yoyodyne. ;)

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#11 FaithfulAizen


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Posted 10 September 2015 - 11:12 PM

ah I see well the best way to protect yourself is to get some muscle :D

  • King of Thieves likes this

Aizen is the best

(inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove) (inlove)

(smug) brb gotta do dishes (smug)

#12 LittleOne


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Posted 11 September 2015 - 12:33 AM

Well since the interview was about Dingelberry, I meant a picture of a Dingelberry.   Yeah you don't want to see that....trust me.....

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#13 King of Thieves

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Posted 11 September 2015 - 01:37 AM

ah I see well the best way to protect yourself is to get some muscle :D



I've got muscles! They're not very big.... But I got muscles! :D

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#14 AngelicaSynn


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Posted 11 September 2015 - 02:53 AM

"T'aint the size of the dog in the fight, 'tis the size of the fight in the dog..."


                                                                         - Scottish proverb

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My new character....

#15 King of Thieves

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Posted 11 September 2015 - 10:06 AM

I have a joke for this, but it isn't appropriate for all ages.

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#16 unnie


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Posted 11 September 2015 - 02:16 PM

I have a joke for this, but it isn't appropriate for all ages.


Pff. Now, now.. Stay on-topic boys, or continue elsewhere. ;)


But yes, very good interview - liked the answers since one could clearly see a motivated player behind all the text.



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#17 Dingelberry


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Posted 12 September 2015 - 04:46 AM

:) Thanks again guys

All my team members know that i am all about the team and help wherever i can ,without them i would be nothing 

To me its fun to help new guys and give them the advice and help they need ,even members outside my team

But never forget its a game and it is supposed to be fun

Be competitive but don't get o serious (silly) 

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#18 Mommy


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Posted 10 January 2016 - 06:15 AM

i like these interviews. fun! :)

Have fun! Its a game! :D

#19 King of Thieves

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Posted 05 February 2017 - 01:53 PM

Nice Interview.....especially since there were no self portraits.......just sayin  :P

For the record, there was supposed to be. Apparently my skills with transferring pics onto here aren't so hot. If Dingelberry and a current mod could get together to remedy this, I would be much appreciative. 

I'm bringing sexy back!

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